Woke reaction to Obama’s “defund the police” comments in one word: denialism

Andrew Londre
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
8 min readDec 3, 2020


Photo by Erick Zajac on Unsplash

Serious people don’t deny reality or make light of it — they accept it and deal with it.

The consistent failure of the supposed “future of the Democratic Party” to ground themselves in a reality-centered universe, accept objective reality, and deal with it was on full display when the rising stars of the far-Left reacted to former President Barack Obama’s recent remarks pointing out an important political reality, that the slogan, “Defund The Police,” is a political loser.

The response to President Obama’s remarks was embarrassing.

No Earthbound human, who listened to what the former President actually said or has any earthly idea who Barack Obama is as a human, would have misunderstood what he was saying as anything other than an articulation of an observable political reality.

But that’s not where many political leaders on the Left (many of whom I have rooted for over the years and hope to continue to root for in the future) took Obama’s criticisms. All because they couldn’t handle the inconvenient truth the former President laid before them.



Andrew Londre
Extra Newsfeed

Accomplished public servant and former elected official turned civic & cultural commentator and consultant 🔗 andrewlondre.com