Trump Derides Capone Prosecution

“This started as an investigation of rum running and murder! What do taxes have to do with anything?”

Mister Lichtenstein
Extra Newsfeed
1 min readAug 23, 2018


WASHINGTON, DC — President Trump took the FBI to task for its prosecution of “public enemy number one” Al Capone, the mafia boss responsible for the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre, and numerous other crimes related to his bootlegging business empire.

Capone, who got his start in the notorious Five Points neighborhood on Manhattan’s lower east side, made his name in Chicago, where he made enemies of the nascent FBI and IRS. In 1931, Capone was charged with income tax evasion, and jailed.

“What do taxes have to do with the viscous Justice Department’s very unfair witch hunt of Al Capone for bootlegging?” asked President Trump, on the heels of learning of Capone’s arrest. “Scarface had the best face. A very good face, many have said. Some people — and I think we all know who I’m talking about — the arrest and everything — it’s not right. And I think we can all agree to that.”

Be good to each other.

