TRUMP INSPIRED RACISM & Trump supporters who are FAMOUS NOW!

Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
6 min readJun 29, 2018



Welcome to America’s Highest Rated NEW Show:


where psychotic, racist, Trump supporters — from all over the country — vie to win valuable prizes like — time off from work, and/or attention and free publicity to their own businesses.

Oh, this week alone:

Continuing the tradition on calling the police on black people for HILARIOUS things like WAITING, and ATTENDING YALE, Alison Ettel -aka “Permit Patty” called the police on an 8 year old black girl selling water. She did this while HILARIOUSLY trying to hide behind a wall, and I was expecting her to then mime going downstairs, an escalator, and elevator, as she called police on a very young black child.



There was the hilarity of “Darth Becky”, the lady who calls random 72 year old women doing landscape work with their sons “RAPISTS” (and credits this to Donald Trump, Hero of the Stupid).

PICTURED ABOVE — ARE THE MANY MOODS OF DARTH BECKY, who’s available to scream at your landscapers as they work in the hot sun and will even call them rapists and evoke the words of Trump for a very small fee.

FUN FACT: This… woman's…(are we still calling her that?) okay, this MANIAC’s exact quote was: “You’re rapists, animals, drug dealers, rapists, animals. Even the President of the United States says so,”

My, oh my, who knew Trump would INSPIRE so many?

In NYC, formerly known as “civilization”, a Trump supporter and angry psychopath, Aaron M. Schlossberg, went to great effort to prove that he is a racist lunatic, a mirror of Trump himself. Aaron M. Schlossberg (Attorney at Law), screamed in a shrill voice at Hispanic people who, and this may shock you, — were SPEAKING SPANISH!!! — TO EACH OTHER!!!

When your legal needs include having a psychotic, racist lawyer.

If you look at this picture from my original review of his services — and compare it to the one above, you’ll notice a subtle change in the picture — as to the placement of his partner, — when her PIXELS actually defied all science, and physics, and just walked off of the digital jpg image.

So, from the East Coast let’s now look over to the West Coast as we travel forth on our Willie Wonka Boat Ride through Trump inspired racism.

In California, we got to see another maniac verbally attack a Muslim woman, who, and this may also shock you, was attempting to purchase a beverage, DESPITE being Muslim! This is reminiscent of Muslim women being verbally attacked for pushing their children in strollers, and verbally, and sometimes physically, attacked during other activities such as being in a public place.

The unnamed man looks like the guy you would cast in the movie “The Shining” to play Jack Nicholson’s WAY crazier, less stable brother. He was offended by what the woman was wearing, due to his being a maniac, with a LOT of time on his hands who — DEFINITELY did NOT need any more COFFEE, (and the cashier was wise in refusing to serve him any).

The look on one’s face before murdering Danny & Wendy Torrence along with Scatman Crothers in a hotel.

Minorities now have to face constant adversity for the following traits: 1) the color of their skin, 2) their own culture and beliefs. 3) While living in America.

Then there’s pool patrol — Stephanie Sebby-Strempel!

She’s in charge of making SURE black kids aren’t allowed to be places where they are invited, such as the pool they were invited to. So, Stephanie Sebby-Strempel physically hit a black kid (who didn’t retaliate), AND THEN BIT THE POLICE OFFICER sent to arrest her and injured another. (FUN FACT: I know a lot about the Police and they HATE being bitten).

Before…………….After. — ORANGE IS THE NEW (result of hitting a child that’s) BLACK

And now, we turn our weary eyes to:

Alexander Downing of Connecticut, embarrassed himself with an unprovoked verbal assault on an American Muslim family. The racist shouted on the Texas beach “Donald Trump got you, motherf***er” along with countless other racial slurs.

He also exposed himself in front of the family’s young children.The man, if you can call him that, was pounding his chest as he did this

> Here have a look! He looks like a racist green duck attempting to take flight, but he is actually just a silly goose…


Alexander Downing of Connecticut said he’s “a follower of Donald Trump”, and started viciously comparing the family to ISIS.


FUN FACT: When lunatic-racist-Trump-Worshipping-TOUGH GUY Alexander Downing of Connecticut found out you can’t show small children your genitals while harassing an entire family who were just minding their own business of existing, and was arrested — Alexander Downing sobbed when South Padre Island Police took his mug-shot. He cried exactly 96 tears, just like Question Mark & the Mysterians promised he would. I counted. (Each tear was a balm to my soul).

NOW, let’s meet Tahnee Gonzales and Elizabeth Dauenhauer of Tempe, Arizona! FUN!

The 3 stages of Syphilis, when left untreated

Tahnee Gonzales and Elizabeth Dauenhauer of Tempe, Arizona BROUGHT THEIR OWN SMALL CHILDREN to commit hate crimes against Muslims, (I know, right?!?) which they live-streamed. They were SHOCKED when they were both arrested for this. This is because their heads are as empty as their souls, and, like everyone else I mentioned, they fill that void within themselves with a love for known Destructive Lunatic & Orange Hobgoblin — Donald J. Trump.

There are many problems with having a truly idiotic, possibly demonic, ADHD stricken, befuddled, maniacal, and overtly racist, place-holder president. In the years to come we will see the results of Trump’s mad reign of comedic terror, and they won’t be as much fun as you think, no matter what level of fun you’re thinking of.

The IMMEDIATE results of our waltz through Trump’s symphony of dementia, however, is the new normalization of racism. Trump’s own “very fine people”. This has leaked into our day to day lives, and makes the world… just a lot sadder.


(IMPORTANT NOTE: this article has been changed from its previous form to not include Roslyn La Liberte, who, though being an ardent Trump supporter, was attributed comments later discovered not to have been made by her, an error pointed out by alert reader Vinnie Chieco who was kind enough to point out this discrepancy and provide the corresponding information. Thank you Vinny!)

Written by Steven W. Rouach

©2018 SWRouach



Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed

Is a carbon based life form from Earth. Anyone who tells you he's not is absolutely lying. He's known for being dashing, heroic & humanity's last, best, hope.