Truth In Satire

Trump May Accept Border Wall/ Presidential Library Compromise

Modified wall design might be enough to persuade president to end the government shutdown

Allan Ishac
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2019


A prototype of the new border wall/library design being considered by President Trump. (Credit:

The White House announced on Sunday that President Donald Trump is considering a compromise plan to end the government shutdown that would combine his demands for a border wall with his dream of an impressive presidential library.

Another depiction of the prototype shows illegals being stopped dead in their tracks by the imposing library-wall. (Credit:

“Now we’re talking,” said the president at a news conference in the Rose Garden on Sunday afternoon. “This beautiful fusion of a presidential library with a strong border wall offers good security while highlighting my accomplishments as a genius.”

The blended design is apparently the idea of a White House staffer who saw something similar on a beach in Brazil while vacationing there last year. She shared the concept with Trump staffer Stephen Miller who presented it to the president over the weekend. He immediately warmed to it.

“This will be a two-thousand-mile, ten-foot high ‘library wall’ like nothing else on the planet. Uneducated illegals won’t come near it because they can’t read, while it will impress the world with the size of my brain. It’s a brilliant concept that I would have thought of myself if I hadn’t been working so hard, all alone, at the White House this past month.”

“Mexican surfers trying to float over my historic library wall won’t stand a chance,” argued the president. (Credit:

Democrats are said to be carefully studying the dual-purpose design, but have expressed initial support after the Congressional Budget Office said it would cost no more than $200,000 to build, or about $100 per mile, especially if the books are donated.

The only obstacle to bi-partisan Congressional approval at this point is Mr. Trump’s insistence that his presidential library/border wall include his extensive collection of vintage XXX adult videos, which senior Democratic leaders argue is beneath the office. But they are likely to concede the point in order to end the two-week-old government shutdown.


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Allan Ishac
Extra Newsfeed

Author of The Mystic In The Mews ( Satirist. Humor writer. Former advertising creative director. Visit me at