Trump pulls out of Climate Deal. That’s ok, we can all protect our environment with our wallet.

We Are Tumult
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2017

This is the point now when it is up to us, the people, to do what is necessary to protect our environment. While governments have a huge influence on environmental issues, we should not forget that we can impact the world with our daily choices.

What impact would have an American pullout?

The Paris climate deal was the first universal agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions. It aims to : “ Hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels which are “it aims at stopped temperature rising more than two degrees.

17% of Total carbon dioxide emissions come from the US which is the second worst emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2). US produces more CO2 than India, France, Japan and Canada together. Carbon dioxide counts for 72% of the totally emitted greenhouse gases.

The US was supposed to have an important role in the agreement. 21% of the Greenhouse Gas Emission reduction was supposed to come from the US which means the world would warm an additional 0,3% according to Climate Interactive.

We cannot wait and hope for binding pollution regulations anymore but not everything has to be lost, US Citizens can still enact the Paris Agreement with their wallet and even go beyond it.

Only two countries didn’t sign the agreement. Syria which has been embroiled in civil war for six years, and Nicaragua which felt the deal would not do enough to protect the climate.

How should we take action?

The first step is for everyone to acknowledge that every purchase we make is a vote in favour of a company. By giving money to a certain business over another we agree to its values and philosophy.

Our role of consumers and citizens is to gather the maximum amount of information before placing an order. In our age of internet everywhere, a basic search action on the internet will often be enough to get a sense of a company.

One thousand companies and investors have commited to low-carbon investments and signed the Business Backs Low-Carbon USA statement which urges the US leaders to implement the Paris Agreement Deal. You can find the list here :

The future depends on our better choices.



We Are Tumult
Extra Newsfeed

Focusing on social impact and meaningful strategy.