Trump Won the Senate and the House Which Means That America Has Decided To Do Exactly Nothing About Climate Change

Felix Culprit
Extra Newsfeed


Ok, fuck it, I’m going to wade into the mud and give my two cents on what a Republican government under Donald Trump “means.”

Here’s what it means. Climate change won’t be stopped. It won’t.

According to Mark Lacour of Oil and Gas This Week, a Texas based podcast geared towards fossil fuel industry insiders, America is the worlds number one producer of oil. It has 1.5x more oil than the proven reserves of Saudi Arabia, the second largest producer.

America has more Natural Gas reserves than Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, and Qatar combined.

America has 3x more coal than Russia. And the untapped oil reserves on American federal land (land that is currently off limits to drilling) is worth roughly $50 trillion.

Donald Trump campaigned on what he called An America First Energy Plan, in which he pledged to open up all of that previously off limits federal land to drilling.

He has promised to defang the Environmental Protections Agency, to overturn Obama’s climate and energy plan executive orders (something that he could, and probably will, do on his first day in office), he’ll revoke policies that place restrictions on new drilling technologies, and he’ll cancel the hard fought, (though insufficient) Paris Climate Agreement.

The biggest winner of last Tuesday’s election was, without a doubt, the fossil fuel industry.

And you know what? This climate destroying energy plan is exactly what will get Trump his second term in the White House.

Yes, you read that right. We are going to get, not just four, but eight years of President Trump. Why? Because that $50 trillion worth of untapped oil money is going to be what Trump uses to rebuild and refurbish all the infrastructure he promised to improve in his soft and sweet acceptance speech that he made to the world in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.

He can afford to pull out of trade agreements, he can afford to pull out of treaty organizations. Donald Trump can afford to build The Wall and put America First because America doesn’t need Saudi oil anymore. That’s why the price of oil has been so low for so long now.

Saudi Arabia is pumping oil at break neck speed so that they don’t lose any of their market share to the United States. No one saw the U.S. becoming the number one producer of oil, but now that they are they really don’t need to be in the Middle East anymore.

In fact, they don’t need to be anywhere, militarily, anymore, that they don’t want to be. They’ve got the oil, and they’ve got plenty of farmable land.

America doesn’t need to police the globe anymore. And they don’t need to obey the global rules anymore. They can do whatever they want. And what Donald Trump wants to do is Make America Great Again, at the expense of everyone else.

And America will be great, because the rest of us will be fucked.

A Republican Congress isn’t going to stop him, the Senate isn’t going to stop him, the Supreme Court isn’t gong to stop him. The American people gave Donald Trump the go ahead to pursue the traditional Republican policy of lie and deny, lie and deny.

But in the end they’ll be fucked too, because, if they implement the climate policy that Trump campaigned on, then we have essentially decided to do nothing, absolutely NOTHING, about the rise in global atmospheric CO2 emissions caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

The feedback loops are going to kick in.

The ocean won’t be able to hold carbon, it’ll start releasing it instead. The permafrost will melt and release all of the trapped methane. The ice caps will melt and stop reflecting sunlight.

The oceans will rise, the rivers, aquifers, and rains will fail, there will be drought and famine and war, all because 25% of the eligible voting population of the United States of America fell for the pitch of the greatest used car salesman and huckster in the history of the world.

Way to fucking go humanity. We fucked up.

