We Must Abandon the Sinking Democratic Ship and Take Bernie Sanders with Us

César Vargas
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2017

Just like the poor whites who vote against their best interests by electing conservatives, so do we when we vote for corporate Democrats — the dreaded neoliberals. By we, I mean Black folks, Latinos, people of color in general, and poor white liberals. Now is the time we abandon ship.

We’ve always had a one-sided relationship with Democrats. We’ve been used and abused by them. They promise us hope and change, but an incremental and pragmatic one from the hell they’ve unleashed on us along with their conservative faux counterparts. When both parties in power are marionettes to the same corporate overlords, it doesn’t matter who is elected to represent them. They’ll always win. We will always lose. It’s time we abandon ship.

Democrats are awful at winning elections. They’ve lost touch with their constituents, obviously. They no longer know how to campaign without colluding or forcing the people to accept their problematic candidates. They blame anyone and everyone for their losses except themselves. You’ve been hearing and reading that. Pay heed. It’s true. Democrats no longer represent us. When have they ever? I keep hearing brother Malcolm’s voice reverberate in my head:

You put them first and they put you last. ’Cause you’re a chump. A political chump! Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you are dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party you’re not only a chump, but you’re a traitor to your race.

I fell for the Okey Dokey myself.

Malcolm X was speaking directly to Black folks, but this currently applies to us all today. We should behoove his words and abandon ship. We should abandon ship and take with us those politicos with integrity. There are few of them who aren’t bankrolled by major donors. Like then, there’s a new awakening today, a new class of politically conscious people who no longer allow themselves to be played by Democrats. Some of us registered as such just so we can vote for Bernie Sanders, but we saw how that ended up for us. He was robbed. We were robbed. Now we have the Donald Trump administration in the White House. Thanks for nothing, Democrats. Now they’re blaming everyone for their loss: the media (even though it showered their favorite candidate with accolades), the left and their so-called purity test, Russia, and even Bernie Sanders himself. Unbelievable. They really think we are that stupid. Maybe this is why many white folks voted for Trump — out of spite for the constant patronizing and gaslighting.

We need a better class of politicians, a better party, and Democrats, believe me, ain’t it. Like many of us have said before, we need to start our own party that isn’t beholden to anyone but the people. Dr. Cornel West is right. The democratic party can’t be reformed. I don’t think, however, that the Green Party is the answer. They need to restructure and rebrand, put forward serious candidates. We’re better off starting our own and drafting Bernie Sanders. He’s got the grassroots behind him along with being the most popular politician of today. That’s the only way, I believe, we can stop the Trump train. He’s not as polarizing as many other candidates and people, especially independents and conservatives, don’t hold as much disdain for him.

While some of us are talking about it, others are being about it. Brother Nick Braña, the former National Political Outreach Coordinator with Bernie 2016, founded Draft Bernie for a People’s Party. I suggest we follow his footsteps, not just by creating our own platforms and endorsing progressive politicos, but by becoming a unified force and concentrating our support behind someone who has always represented and fought for us.

Let’s spread the message far and wide: We must abandon the sinking Democratic ship and take Bernie Sanders with us. Share this piece with your family and friends. Let everyone know that we mean business… for the people.

And to Senator Bernie Sanders: Join us. This is a revolution you inspired. It’s only fair that you lead it. The corporate Democrats don’t love you or us. Come to the right side. We have ganas. Nothing can stop that.



César Vargas
Extra Newsfeed

Writer. Op-eds/quotes: @HuffingtonPost, @FoxNews, @NBC, @Salon, @Guardian, @Okayafrica, @Okayplayer @SkyNews @TheHill @Vibe