What Was Clear And Empathic, Mrs May?

Geoff Atkins
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2016
Pinched from onechicmom.com

The UK will begin the formal Brexit negotiation process by the end of March 2017, PM Theresa May has said.

The timing on triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty means the UK looks set to leave the EU by summer 2019.

Mrs May told the Tory Party conference — her first as prime minister — the government would strike a deal with the EU as an “independent, sovereign” UK.

Voters had given their verdict “with emphatic clarity”, she said, and ministers had to “get on with the job”.

Sorry, less than 2% on a national referendum, when it’s pretty clear the leading lights of the Leave campaign (Johnson and Gove, I’m not including that cockwomble Farrage) were in it for their own personal glorification and didn’t expect to win.

The Scottish independence referendum was 5.3% to the “Stay”, and because of the workings of the Leave campaign, those north of the border are (quite rightly to my mind) looking for a re-run.

The official leave campaign had a bus that went around the country with a big, bold lie emblazoned on the side.

The British people have a representative democracy. The purpose of such a system is because issues of state are generally fairly complex, we — the people — elect some other people and make it their job to actually understand the intricacies of such matters to an extent that they can make an informed decision.

We don’t want important issues that will result in drastic changes to the laws and economy of the land we live in decided because of a claim of £350 million a week extra for the NHS, plus a load of social media horror stories about the minority of Europeans who’ve moved to the UK that pales in comparison to the shit our own home-grown arseholes do to each other.



Geoff Atkins
Extra Newsfeed

A walking knowingly unashamed trope. British (learn to love the U’s). Digital Marketing Master (although I try to keep work and play separate). Prompt God.