2 min readJan 23, 2016

Why Young Professionals Should Support John Kasich for President

Mention the presidential race to young professionals and you are likely to be met with eye rolls or a sarcastic quip about the nature of politics in 2016. They lament how the amplified voice of the extremes on both sides of the spectrum crowd out common sense. Demagoguery dominates the headlines, while candidates with effective solutions to our nation’s thorny problems struggle to break through.

Young professionals have every reason to be concerned. Our uncertain economy leads to angst about job security. Young professionals pay huge portions of their paychecks to Social Security and Medicare, but doubt they will see the benefits of these programs when they retire. They look around the world and see it coming apart at its seams, wondering if instability abroad will leave them unsafe at home.

As a young professional myself, I encourage my contemporaries to support Governor John Kasich for President. Kasich is the only candidate from either party that will rise above the partisanship that has left our government paralyzed to address its most pressing challenges. As both Governor of Ohio and U.S. Congressman, Kasich has a proven track record of working across the aisle to break partisan stalemate in the interest of effective public policy solutions.

On the economy, young professionals should be attracted to Governor Kasich’s plan for sustainable economic growth. By cutting taxes and reducing red tape, he transformed Ohio into one of the nation’s top job creators. Underlying this massive expansion was a compassionate plan for the least fortunate that reduced poverty and increased benefits to those suffering from mental illness and addiction.

Young professionals can be assured that Governor Kasich understands how to reform the out-of-control entitlement system. As Chairman of the House Budget Committee, he developed a plan to save Social Security and Medicare, while simultaneously balancing the budget and cutting taxes. His deep knowledge of the federal budget process will be a tremendous advantage that will enable him to begin governing on his first day in the White House; there will be no on the job training.

Finally, it’s rare that a successful governor has foreign policy expertise. In fact, Governor Kasich has the best foreign policy experience of the Republican candidates. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, Kasich has been a long advocate for American leadership around the world. A strong military, smart diplomacy and an unrelenting campaign against ISIS and other terror networks are central tenants of Governor Kasich’s foreign policy platform. Even more, Kasich supports the Transpacific Partnership that will open huge markets for American companies leading to free trade in an American-led framework.

Governor Kasich’s success will depend on young professionals to build momentum as the primary season unfolds. To bridge America’s crippling partisanship, unleash our economic potential while protecting entitlements for younger generations, and to advance a robust foreign policy to keep us safe at home, I encourage you to support Governor John Kasich to be the 45th President of the United States.


DC-based international affairs and political professional