“Women are NASTY” & “Women are LIARS”, Says Trump and the Republican Party

Seeing women through the rheumy, hateful, eyes of the GOP

Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed
4 min readMay 3, 2019


(Photo by Riccardo Savi/Getty Images)


If you’re a woman, that’s how Donald Trump sees you.

NASTY Hillary. NASTY Kamila Harris. NASTY Mika. NASTY Senator Elizabeth Warren. NASTY A.O.C.

The Republican Party also sees you as NASTY WOMEN.

Lindsey Graham thinks Sen. Mazie Hirono is NASTY for “SLANDERING” William Barr just because William Barr is a traitor to his country, a mark of shame against the DOJ, and a lying, evil, bag of vomit.

Jim Jordan thinks women are NASTY, just like the scores of NASTY High School students who would constantly annoy Jim Jordan with their pleas to help them not be molested by one of Jordan’s friends, instead of them just being complicit and agreeable to being molested or raped in school. — So, over the past few weeks, Jim Jordan voted against The Paycheck Fairness Act AND The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act. Take THAT, Nasty Women who don’t want violence against them and want fair wages! Jim Jordan was there to thwart you!

Oh, I could go on… forever. But, besides being NASTY,… women are also LIARS. Just ask the Republican Party. Those puerile dinosaurs will tell you all about it.

Keep in mind that Trump is a guy who lies more than my sister Kate shimmies. He lies more than Tutti Frutti calls Rudy. If you were to ask Trump what his favorite color is, he’d reply “breakfast”. If you ask him what time it is, he’d say “octopus”. In medical terms, he’s an extremely gassy, pathological, compulsive, liar.

And yet interspersed with referring to women as NASTY (or, that time he referred to Nancy Pelosi as “Nancy”) he also, quite ironically, enjoys calling women “LIARS”.

For example:

The 20 or so women who’ve accused Trump of sexual assault are all LIARS.

(photo: © Care2)

Also, according to Trump, the many women who experienced GOP Pedophile-Poster-Boy Roy Moore before experiencing puberty — were all LIARS.

The women savagely beaten by Rob Porter — were all LIARS.

Orrin “Oh, did it” Hatch, thinks women are NASTY LIARS. Like when he blasted any women who felt uncomfortable having an obviously unstable RAPIST sit on the Supreme Court, adorned in stolen robes meant for the most wise and judicious amongst us.

Christine Margaret Blasey Ford is an American professor of psychology, and, according to the GOP, a LIAR.

Despite passing a lie detector test.

Despite her knowing full well her life would be ruined and the lives of her entire family would be put into mortal peril.

Mrs. Ford decided to do her civic duty for the good of all humanity because she’s obviously a NASTY woman, who WHINES whenever someone tries to RAPE her with his grubby beer-soaked hand clamped over her mouth to keep her from screaming for help. She whines when that same lunatic is appointed to the Supreme Court FOR LIFE.



When women say things like “I was raped”- Trump & the GOP calls them LIARS.

When women say things like “I was raped and I don’t want to carry the rapist’s baby”- The GOP calls them LIARS.

When women say “I need an abortion to save my own life so I can continue raising my existing children” - the GOP calls them, and their attending physicians: LIARS.

When women say “I need to have access to medical care” they’re called LIARS.

HOWEVER, GOOD NEWS for WOMEN! Guess what just happened!

Did you guess — the Trump administration rolled back women’s rights by 50 years by CHANGING THE DEFINITIONS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT?

Well, that just happened.

SO, women of the Republican Party rejoice! Your MASOCHISM is a lovely match for the GOP’s SADISM.

Right now, in 2019, being a woman and calling yourself “a Republican”, is just like being a bug and calling yourself “A Staunch Advocate for RAID”.

I expect assholery from men because I’m a man and I know how we think. Rarely,… if at all.

But I expect better from women. My mom’s a woman.

All my ex-girlfriends were women. They were all amazing examples of the absolute best of humanity.

None of them were NASTY. None of them were LIARS.

None of them were Republicans.

Written by Steven W. Rouach.

©2019 SWRouach



Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed

Is a carbon based life form from Earth. Anyone who tells you he's not is absolutely lying. He's known for being dashing, heroic & humanity's last, best, hope.