andrew klein
3 min readFeb 2, 2016

You Inspire Me

The Positive Side of Social Networking

There are both sides to every development in Communication. The dangers of abuse are obvious when those with less than desirable intentions are able to fabricate identities and profiles, so I see little point in repeating those.

On the other side , and to my personal delight and intellectual pleasure , I have been able to meet people from all over the World that not only share passions about this Planet but all kinds of perceptions and their own take on what is happening . To me that is a great thing. I am proud to have friends that are writers, artists, political activists and not so ordinary human beings that are prepared to share ideas freely and communicate their World View. Over time these individuals are more than just a name and a comment; they take on their own persona and in this virtual world become as close to reality as possible given the limitations.

I have met many personally and respect them not only as friends and individuals but also their point of views. We may not always agree on the way we see things, the solutions that might be discussed etc. but for all that, I value their ideas and I am not too proud to say that ‘You’ inspire me. You make me question my own assumptions about the world, your comments open up new horizons to be explored and having shared coffee with quite a few — there have been some great fun times as well.

The more I see of social policy and the way it divides families and breaks up Communities , the more I see these networks as being a basic building stone in the recreation of Community and extended family . The potential for building a more harmonious world, better understanding of one another are huge. There are and always will be those that belong to certain groups and have other agenda to run, the ‘trolls’ that we have become familiar with. Thankfully I have not suffered personally from the abuse hurled at some for no other reason than that they expressed an opinion. In our Democratic way of doing things in Australia, all views are entitled to be heard. I have a right to agree or disagree and when these lead to casting votes, that vote is mine to cast.

In the meantime I find that the News concerning Global Events is often far ahead in time compared to local media and the comments made by friends and members of groups more relevant.

I want to thank all of you, my friends and those that drop by to read my comments for being an inspiration. It does not matter where you live, what colour your skin is or what creed you follow. I am not offended when one of my personal ideas hits a rocky road and is duly criticised because at my age the only one certainty that I have is my own ignorance.

You , by being where ever you are assist me in lifting those veils of ignorance that easily cloud a man’s mind . I see no need to mention all those whose daily posts covering both personal experiences and social structures make me think. You know who you are!

Though I would like to point out that some of the most erudite and inspirational shared ideas are written by women, whom I am very proud to call my friends. There may be a Glass Ceiling that some would like to perpetuate for their own ends, as far as I am concerned mutual respect and honesty goes a long way. Maybe these networks will assist in breaking down the hurtful stereotypes that we have allowed to continue as a society and often questionable level of cultural sophistication.

Together we will build a World that is a place worth living in and no comment or idea is too small to be worthy of consideration by all. AK