Please Vote “The Scar” as Best of Wordhaus Horror Story 2015

Tom Farr
Extraction: A Serialized Story
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1 min readDec 7, 2015

I wrote a short horror story called “The Scar” that was featured on a Wordhaus, an online literary magazine, in November. Every year Wordhaus does a Best of anthology, and my story is eligible for their Best of 2015 anthology. Voting is open now, and if you’re a regular follower of my writing, I’d love it if you’d take a moment to check out the story and click this link or on the image below to cast your vote if you feel so inclined.

Update on Extraction: I’m hard at work on the next episode. My hope was to have it finished before National Novel Writing Month, but it wasn’t to my satisfaction when I wrote it, so I decided to shelve it for November. My hope is to have the next episode out sometime this week, so keep watching. Thank you to everyone who has been following along this far.

Thanks for reading!




Tom Farr
Extraction: A Serialized Story

Tom is a writer and high school English teacher. He loves creating and spending time with his wife and children. For freelancing, email