2020 Chinese songs everyone should listen to

Extraordinary Garden
3 min readDec 25, 2020
  1. The youth- 少年-夢然 | 逆境中成长,因为磨难,变成生命里的光

2020 is really a strange year. It gives us a lot of time to be alone and at the same time gives us more time to think. This song brings positive energy to people for facing the future. Maybe what happened this year has stopped you and made you feel lost. Then start again.

Thinking about when we used to be passionate about life, maybe now we are in a difficult situation, regain our original courage and enthusiasm, and start bravely in 2021.

Never retreat in the face of danger, Never never give up like a fire.

2. 盧廣仲 Crowd Lu 【刻在我心底的名字 Your Name Engraved Herein】

Whether you have a name in your heart, no matter how hard you try, you will never forget it. But you may not matter at all in his heart. You know that you will be hurt and lost in the end, and you still gave all your sincerity without reservation. And you never regret it, but a little grateful that you once appeared in his life.

This song comes from the theme song of the Netflix Taiwan movie Your Name Engraved Herein. I haven’t watched this movie, but this song is really easy to touch people’s hearts. This is a fruitless but unforgettable love, I think a lot Everyone has experienced it. But we really do not regret the tears that have flowed, those regrets that cannot be spoken, those words that can no longer be spoken, slowly and slowly no longer remember at any time, but his name may be silently carved in your heart forever, no longer Mention it to anyone. maybe can only say to yourself when you’re alone, Je t’aimais….

3. 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai -《我是誰》MV (feat. Jony J ) _Who am I

Because I really like this TV series, I like this song. The song completely fits the content of the story, the male protagonist is a person raised by a wolf, and he didn’t know who he was before he met the female protagonist. His home is where she is. In this song, Jolin’s gentle singing voice, coupled with John J’s Rap, better interpret the charm of this song.

4. G.E.M.鄧紫棋【萬國覺醒 RISE】Official Music Video

I recommend GEM’s song again. Not only is this song nice, the MV shooting feels like a movie. This song describes the hero’s loneliness and strength on the road to awakening before success. The whole song is run through with passionate drums, combined with GEM’s powerful voice, layered on top of each other, awakening listeners’ awareness of the destiny.

5.王嘉爾 Jackson Wang & 林俊傑 JJ Lin — 過 Should’ve Let Go 官方完整版MV

Jason and JJ are my two favorite Asian male singers, and their cooperation has brought great surprises to their fans.This song is beautiful and gives a very comfortable feeling. Especially Jason’s unique bass adds a lot of romantic elements to this song.

I hope everyone likes my recommendation. Whether it is music or movies, I will try my best to deliver more beautiful and interesting content.

Wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

