2021 Chinese songs everyone should listen to

Extraordinary Garden
3 min readApr 7, 2021

Long time no see~ Music recommendation series are back! This time I recommend 5 very new Chinese songs not to be missed in 2021.

G.E.M.鄧紫棋【孤獨 Loneliness】

Of course, the first song I recommend is GEM’s song, called Loneliness. I think this song resonates with many people, especially Asians. We live in the expectation of our parents. We study hard and work hard. We are born in the 80s or 90s, so for many people, we are the only children in the family. We grew up alone, know that we can rely on only ourselves, loneliness is our good friend.

I think this song is not a complaint, but a kind of talk. On the contrary, people who hear this song will be comforted. It turns out that the world is full of lonely people like me. These lonely experiences are not bad, but behind the loneliness, we need to remind that don’t forget how to love ourselves, and don’t judge ourselves by the values of the world, we have done very well.

郁可唯 Yisa Yu [ 尋Seek For ]

What are you looking for in your life? Looking for an unforgettable love? Looking for an ordinary and stable life? Looking for an interesting story? Still looking for a dream?

Maybe we didn’t find what we wanted at the beginning, maybe the reality is crueler than we thought, are we willing to find other things open-mindedly? No matter what we are looking for, in this process we have achieved ourselves and our life. We are all the protagonists of life, and we are all unique.

周深 — 茧《长歌行》 片尾主题曲

We Chinese people like to describe our longing for people as a cocoon. Because the cocoon does not break easily, it lasts forever.

Did you know at that moment that you and the person are destined to be connected forever, even if you no longer meet in this life, you still live in your memory? Missing always brings sweetness and sorrow slowly with anticipation, looking forward to reunion, and misses with sadness, and may not be able to see each other again. But misses overlap at different worlds, telling forever. There is always that moment, which affects our heartstrings and reminds us of the longing.To me, missing is the most beautiful and sad thing. This song is the theme song of a Chinese TV series, and it vividly expresses the story of the characters in it. I hope that all the people we miss can see each other again.

René劉若英 [ 所有相愛的人啊 All The Lovers

Rene’s song always brings people inner warmth. This song is dedicated to all those who love each other. When you hear this song, your heart will beat involuntarily, allowing you to enjoy the happiness of the moment.
I like a sentence in the lyrics, being strong is the biggest lie in the world. No matter how old we are now, we cannot stop our young and joyful hearts.

告五人 Accusefive [ 醜人多作怪 Mischief ] Official Music Video

Accusefive is a very special singing group, a combination of 2 men and a woman. Their songs often have deep meanings. This song is a self-healing song that mocks the world. They said “Your noble person may not appear in a way that is good to you.” They encourage everyone to not be depressed even if they encounter dirty people and things, because maybe now the bad things that happen may not necessarily be bad things in the future.

Recently, There are a lot of Chinese and English songs have been released recently. I hope I could share more good songs for others to listen to when I have time.

In 2021, I hope that the epidemic will leave us as soon as possible, and a beautiful and bright summer will come soon. Recently, good Chinese and English songs have been released one after another. I hope I can share more good songs for everyone to listen to when I have time.

In 2021, I hope that the epidemic will leave us as soon as possible, and a beautiful and bright summer will come soon.


