How happy once was, How sad it is now- To Grow old in

Extraordinary Garden
5 min readJul 21, 2021

WandaVision Drama Review

It’s really a little late, I’ve only recently finished watching WandaVision, the best-rated American drama from Marvel Studios.

In fact, when the drama first came out, I watched the first episode, because of the black-and-white TV style, It turned out that it wasn’t the action movie I had imagined, so I turned to the stage to see the other drama first.
Now it seems that I am too young to watch the play.

Now it seems that I really underestimated the story. When I saw episode two, I realized that it was really a very interesting TV series. If you haven’t seen it yet, you might as well go to the TV show and come back and read my article. Because there will be references to the content of the plot.

Here are three things I love about WandaVision:

1. With a complete story line, WandaVision is perfect for making Marvel TV dramas

From the title of the drama can be found the screenwriter’s clever thinking, it is called WandaVision but not Wanda and Vision, from here has a good explanation of the show, this beautiful Westview is Wanda is unwilling to face the reality created by the vision. The first two episodes feature Wanda and Vision living a classic Suburban American family life in black and white TV shows. This is really a bold attempt at the Marvel universe.

The story unfolds a little bit, and slowly the audience, like Vision, discovers that there’s always something weird about it.

Through the back of the plot, slowly open the mystery, the audience feel the fun of finding clues in the easter eggs, until the last episode, all questions are answered.

I have to say, this series is a very good independent TV series, the story is complete, the character of Wanda is portrayed in detail, so that the audience more understanding of Wanda’s experience and the inner world.

2. Take the audience into her inner world.

As I gave the title of this article, How happy once was, How sad it is now, by Episode VIII, we began to understand why Wanda had created the Westview. How happy the front is, how sad it is behind it. When she saw Vision’s letter about he bought land for their new home. Her extremely sad switch was completely open.

It says “To Grow Old in.” When everything is settled, Vision just wanted to have a home of their own with Wanda, and the two of them are far from noisy, Not because Wanda wanted a home, it is because Vision wanted to give Wanda a home.Wanda, who knew all this, was knocked down again by the waves, preventing her from stand up again.

Wanda opened her heart to us about her past and made us realize that Wanda’s super-capable woman is still unable to resist the life and death that ordinary people have to face. She lost her twin brother whom she loved throughout her entire life, a lover, both parents and they were killed by one of the people on her team. What a depressing reality. She was not finally reborn from the past, but consumed by grief.

This is also very close to the choice of our ordinary people. It is not that most of us can stand up bravely in the face of loss, in fact most of time we are overwhelmed with sorrow. Once having such beautiful memories, how painful it is now. We can feel how cute and happy Wanda was before, and we can feel how miserable and painful she is in the reality of the story.

This drama is not simply a contest against the facade, but it is divided into two for the characters to face and resolve their inner problems. The core of this drama is how Wanda should face her grief.

3. It is bad luck to to say goodbye in the dark though we all end up saying goodbye

If the result is destined to be separation, it is better to say a good farewell.Wanda reunited with her family one last time back home before officially taking down the hex. She thanked Billy and Tommy for choosing her to be their mom. Wanda now must say goodbye to her husband, once again turning him into nothing more than a memory. It’s difficult for Wanda to do, and heartbreaking to watch unfurl on screen.

“You are a body of wires and blood and bone that I created. You are my sadness and my hope. But mostly, you’re my love.” The two share a kiss as the hex starts to disappear around them.

I don’t think Wanda really put it down, but I believe that going through this process, she’s at least willing to face the reality, from this story line, at least she realizes who she is, and she’s the powerful Scarlet Witch.

We learn more about Wanda’s different side through the story, and the superhero, like ordinary us, has to learn to face reality in the face of loss.

Life has always been tragic and painful, the result we can not change, but we use what attitude and what mood to face our life, but in our hands.
We have been living in farewell, meet, confess, meet again in the cycle, those who bring us regret and loss of people and things, may be irretrievable, but they taught us to cherish the people around us now, more efforts to enjoy the present.

I believe that in another timeline, Wanda and Vision really live a bland and happy life in Westview. In the hearts of our audience, what we’re saying is,Goodbye Wanda and Vision and look forward to our next reunion.

