I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it’s a comedy.

Extraordinary Garden
4 min readOct 7, 2019

─ ─Joker

This is a movie that is worth watching, even if you know all the plots. From an artistic point of view, it is comparable to realism, full of spiritually stunning works of art. From the DC movie, it is undoubtedly a successful attempt to analyze the type of film. From the film itself, from the narrative of the story, the grasp of the rhythm, and the performance of the actors, they are all perfect. This movie can’t be measured by good or bad. I am not a fan of the dark movie series. I don’t even want to watch it for the second time, but I can’t deny that it is an excellent work worth pondering.

Joaquin Phoenix and Todd Phillips tell you in a movie, the world, everyone may be a crown.

The piercing laughter could not detect a smile, the pale face could not see a little blood, and the face showed a very unnatural twist, only to find that the tears that flowed silently with the paint were dyed black by the world and condensed into a lonely shape. Freud said that smoking is necessary if you don’t have anyone can kiss.

At the beginning of the film, it was full of depression and heaviness. Arthur Fleck was originally an ordinary and kind person. He was eager to bring laughter to others. He struggled to hold billboards, brought laughter to the sick children in the hospital, tried to fight against his illness, and repeatedly practiced in the mirror. Only to come up with the most unique jokes and become a dedicated employee, he took care of his mother with all his heart and soul, but love and warmth never cared for him, and the maliciousness that did not come from around was not reduced by one point. Through the movie, we feel the cruelty of reality and push him into Joker step by step. He strives to fight for his tragic fate, but eventually, he is swallowed up by the dark personality.

I don’t think that this movie gives us reasons for bad, but instead encourages us to be more friendly and more understanding of people who are very different from us around us. I have to say that in the half-hour of the film, I really want to give him a hug and tell him that it will be fine, you have done a great job.

Joker’s personality began to appear when he shot three young people in the subway. The whole city of Gotham was in chaos. Ironically, the rich watched the modern era of Chaplin in the theater and treated the demands of the poor people indifferently. In a dark society, a hero will be created and a demon will be created as well. If his identity is his last hope, then the only hope left to break him is his mother’s lies. He killed his mother, just like completing the final transformation from Arthur to Joker. The kind Arthur is cast aside, bullied, misunderstood, influenced by others, and as Joker, many people follow him, he felt he can bring great influence to others.

He expressed himself in dance and became Joker’s freedom. At this time, Arthur no longer exists. This is a relief for Joker, but for this society, this is a tragedy. The victims of society have become injurers. This is a thought-provoking movie. Joker’s laughter seems to satirize this dark society, but it can be said that this is just a tragic story about a mentally ill person.

I believe that there is a place behind every crime that deserves to be understood, but that is by no means an excuse for crime. Although we are now in a society with the rapid development of civilized technology, it seems to be peace, but there are all kinds of negative events such as online verbal violence, sexual assault, racial discrimination, trade wars, and viral infections.

May we not be victims, injurers and accomplices, more friendly, more patience, a little more smile, A little more dedication, a little more generous, Although everyone may have a part of the clown experience, everyone can use their power to warm the world!

