Introduction to Supply Chain Management_ Topic1供应链管理介绍

I am preparing for the CPIM exam. The first chapter is the most important chapter in Part1. I summarized the key points of the exam and included Chinese explanations, which also helped me understand better. 我在预备CPIM考试,第一章的内容是考试Part1中最重要的,我总结了考试的知识点,还有中文解释,帮助我更好的理解。

Extraordinary Garden
2 min readJan 14, 2020


  1. Supply Chain Management: The design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities with the objective of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand, and measuring performance globally. 供应链管理是指在满足一定的客户服务水平的条件下,为了使整个供应链系统成本达到最小而把供应商制造商仓库配送中心渠道商等有效地组织在一起来进行的产品制造、转运分销销售管理方法。供应链管理包括计划采购、制造、配送、退货五大基本内容。
  2. Upstream: Used as a relative reference within a firm or supply chain to indicate moving in the direction of the raw material supplier. 上游:用作公司或供应链中的相对参考,以指示朝原材料供应商方向发展。
  3. Downstream: Used as a relative reference within a firm or supply chain to indicate moving in the direction of the end customer. 下游:用作公司或供应链中的相对参考,以指示朝最终客户方向发展。
  4. A traditional supply chain will have a least a center organization serving as a manufacturer/provider being supplied by an upstream echelon and sending product to a downstream customer echelon. Customers will be upstream and suppliers downstream in a reverse logistics supply chain. 传统的供应链将至少有一个中心组织充当上游梯队提供的制造商/提供者,并将产品发送给下游客户梯队。 在逆向物流供应链中,客户将是上游,供应商是下游。
  5. There are three primary flows that need to be managed from the perspective of an entire supply chain rather than being individually optimal but ineffective overall: Flow of information; Flow of funds, Flow of materials and services.从整个供应链的角度出发,需要管理三个主要流程,而不是单独进行优化,但总体上是无效的。 资金流,材料和服务流。
  6. The Finance department is responsible for an organization’s cash flow and budgets. The finance department is also responsible for determining the use of funds, profits, and return on investment. The production department is responsible for satisfying marketplace demands. The engineering department is responsible for new product development. The marketing department is responsible for deciding which products are supplied and pricing. 财务部门负责组织的现金流量和预算。 财务部门还负责确定资金的使用,利润和投资回报。 生产部门负责满足市场需求。 工程部门负责新产品开发。 市场部门负责确定要供应的产品和价格。

7. The Bullwhip effect is ‘ an extreme change in the supply position upstream that is generated by a small change in demand downstream’. The bullwhip effect is caused by independent forecasting at each echelon and little or no communication of ultimate demand information.牛鞭效应是“上游供应位置的极端变化,这是由下游需求的微小变化引起的”。 牛鞭效应是由每个梯队的独立预测以及最终需求信息的很少或根本没有沟通引起的。

8. A cross-functional organization will be more process-focused rather than departmental-focused. For example, a company will have materials management or logistics roles rather than departments for purchasing, inventory control, warehousing, transportation.etc. 跨职能的组织将更加注重流程而不是部门。 例如,一家公司将具有物料管理或物流职能,而不是采购,库存控制,仓储,运输等部门。

