Introduction to Supply Chain Management_ Topic2 Introduction to Manufacturing 生产概论

I am preparing for the CPIM exam. The first chapter is the most important chapter in Part1. I summarized the key points of the exam and included Chinese explanations, which also helped me understand better. 我在预备CPIM考试,第一章的内容是考试Part1中最重要的,我总结了考试的知识点,还有中文解释,帮助我更好的理解。

Extraordinary Garden
5 min readFeb 11, 2020


  1. Operations management: 1) the planning, scheduling, and control of the activities that transform inputs into finished goods and services; 2) A field of study that focuses on the effective planning, scheduling, use, and control of a manufacturing or service organization through the study of concepts from design engineering, industrial engineering, management information systems, quality management, production management, inventory management, accounting, and other functions as they affect the operation. 运营管理:1)计划,安排和控制将投入物转化为成品和服务的活动; 2)研究领域,其重点是通过研究设计工程,工业工程,管理信息系统,质量管理,生产管理,库存管理, 会计以及其他影响操作的功能。
  2. Materials management: the grouping of management functions supporting the complete cycle of material flow, from the purchase and internal control of production materials to the planning and control of work in process to the warehousing, shipping, and distribution of the finished product.物料管理:支持物料流整个周期的管理功能分组,从生产物料的购买和内部控制到在制品的计划和控制,再到成品的仓储,运输和分配。
  3. Demand lead time: the amount of time potential customers are willing to wait for the delivery of a good or service.需求提前期:潜在客户愿意等待商品或服务交付的时间。
  4. Materials managers perform two major organizational functions: Manufacturing planning and control (MPC) and Logistics. MPC is a blanket term that encompasses high-level planning, master scheduling, material requirements planning (MRP), and execution control along with the related checks on available capacity.物料经理执行两项主要的组织职能:制造计划与控制(MPC)和物流。 MPC是一个笼统的术语,包含高级计划,主计划,物料需求计划(MRP)和执行控制以及对可用容量的相关检查。
  5. The six “rights” of logistics define the objectives of manufacturing: Provide the right number of the right products and services at the right time, the right place, and the right cost and at the right quality level. 物流的六项“正确”定义了制造目标:在正确的时间,正确的位置,正确的成本和正确的质量水平上提供正确数量的正确产品和服务。

6. Order Qualifiers: Those competitive characteristics that a firm must exhibit to
be a viable competitor in the marketplace. For example, a
firm may seek to compete on characteristics other than
price, but in order to “qualify” to compete, its costs and the
related price must be within a certain range to be
considered by its customers. 是允许企业或其产品参与市场竞争的资格筛选标准。

7. Order winners:Those competitive characteristics that cause a firm’s customers to choose that firm’s goods and services over those of its competitors. Order winners can be considered to be competitive advantages for the firm. Order winners usually focus on one (rarely more than two) of the following strategic initiatives: price/cost, quality, delivery speed,
delivery reliability, product design, flexibility, after-market service, and image. 是指企业的产品或服务区别于其它企业,从而赢得订单的关键要素。

8. Sustainability: An organizational focus on activities that provide present benefit without compromising the needs of future generations.组织专注于在不损害未来需求的前提下提供当前收益的活动几代人。

9 United Nations Global Compact: A voluntary initiative whereby companies embrace, support, and enact, within their sphere of influence, a set of core
values in the areas of human rights, labor standards, the
environment, and anti-corruption. 全球契约是为承诺依据在人权、劳工、环境和反腐败方面普遍接受的十项原则进行运作的各企业提供的一个框架。

10.UN Global Compact Management Model: A framework for guiding companies through the process of formally committing to, assessing, defining, implementing, measuring, and communicating the United Nations Global Compact and its principles.在整个过程中指导公司的框架正式致力于,评估,定义,实施,测量和传达联合国全球契约及其原理。

11. Strategic plan: The plan for how to marshal and determine actions to
support the mission
, goals, and objectives of an organization. It generally includes an organization’s explicit mission, goals, and objectives and the specific actions needed to achieve those goals and objectives. 是指由高阶主管负责规划制定公司使命、组织目标、基本政策及策略,以规范达成该组织目标所需的资源使用管理。

12. Product differentiation: A strategy of making a product distinct from the competition on a nonprice basis such as availability, durability, quality,
or reliability. 产品差异化是指企业以某种方式改变那些基本相同的产品,以使消费者相信这些产品存在差异而产生不同的偏好。

13. Business plan:1) A statement of long-range strategy and revenue, cost, and profit objectives usually accompanied by budgets, a projected balance
sheet, and a cash flow (source and application of funds) statement.
This is usually stated in terms of dollars and grouped by product family. It is then translated into synchronized tactical functional plans through the production planning process (or the sales and operations planning process). Although frequently stated in different terms (dollars versus units), these tactical plans should agree with each other and with this. 2) A document consisting of the business details (organization, strategy, and financing tactics) prepared by an entrepreneur to plan for a new business 是公司、企业或项目单位为了达到招商融资和其它发展目标,在经过前期对项目科学地调研、分析、搜集与整理有关资料的基础上,根据一定的格式和内容的具体要求而编辑整理的一个向投资者全面展示公司和项目目前状况、未来发展潜力的书面材料。商业计划书是以书面的形式全面描述企业所从事的业务

14.SMART: Abbreviation for organizational goals that are specific, measurable, achievable/attainable, relevant/realistic, and timely.目标管理是使经理的工作变被动为主动的一个很好的手段,实施目标管理不但是有利于员工更加明确高效地工作,更是为了未来的绩效考核制定了目标和考核标准,使考核更加科学化、规范化,更能保证考核的公开、公平与公正. 所谓SMART原则,即:a.目标必须是具体的(Specific)b. 目标必须是可以衡量的(Measurable)c. 目标必须是可以达到的(Attainable)d. 目标必须和其他目标具有相关性(Relevant)e. 目标必须具有明确的截止期限(Time-based)

15.What-if analysis: The process of evaluating alternate strategies by answering the consequences of changes to forecasts, manufacturing
plans, inventory levels, and so forth. 假設分析是一種評估的程式,假設如果採取不同的策略方案會產生何種結果,以便作最佳的決策。例如若更改實際預測、生產計劃和存貨水準會有什麼結果,再根據不同的結果選擇一種最合適的方案。

16.Performance standard: In a performance measurement system, the accepted, targeted, or expected value for the criterion.在绩效评估系统中,公认的目标或标准的期望值。

17. Key performance indicator (KPIs): A financial or nonfinancial measure that is used to define and assess progress toward specific organizational goals and typically is tied to an organization’s strategy and business stakeholders. A KPI should not be contradictory to other departmental or strategic business unit performance measures. A metric used to measure the overall performance or state of affairs. SCOR level 1 metrics are considered KPIs. 是通过对组织内部流程的输入端、输出端的关键参数进行设置、取样、计算、分析,衡量流程绩效的一种目标式量化管理指标,是把企业的战略目标分解为可操作的工作目标的工具,是企业绩效管理的基础.

18. Supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model: A process reference model developed and endorsed by the APICS Supply Chain Council (SCC) as the standard cross-industry diagnostic tool for supply chain management. The SCOR model describes the business activities associated with satisfying a customer’s demand, which includes the plan, source, make, deliver, and return. The use of the model includes analyzing the current state of a company’s processes and goals, quantifying operational performance, and comparing company performance to benchmark data.APICS开发并认可的过程参考模型供应链理事会(SCC)作为标准的跨行业诊断供应链管理工具。 SCOR模型描述了与满足客户需求相关的业务活动,其中包括计划,来源,制作,交付和退货。 使用模型包括分析公司流程的当前状态,以及目标,量化运营绩效并比较公司性能基准数据.

19.Balanced scorecard: A list of financial and operational measurements used to evaluate organizationally or supply chain performance. The dimensions might include customer perspective, business process perspective, financial perspective, and innovation and learning perspectives. It formally connects overall objectives, strategies, and measurements. Each dimension has goals and measurements.财务和运营衡量指标清单评估组织或供应链绩效。维度可能包括客户观点,业务流程角度,财务角度和创新和学习观点。 正式连接整体目标,策略和度量。 每个维度有目标和衡量标准。

20. Fixed cost and Variable cost: Fixed cost is an expenditure that does not vary with the production volume; for example, rent, property tax, and salaries of certain personnel.固定成本是不随生产量变化的支出; 例如租金,财产税和某些人员的薪水。Variable cost is an operating cost that varies directly with a change of one unit in the production volume (e.g., direct materials consumed, sales commissions).运营成本直接随着变化而变化产量中的单位(例如直接材料已消耗,销售佣金)

21. Make-or-buy decision: The act of deciding whether to produce an item internally or buy it from an outside supplier. Factors to consider in the
decision include costs, capacity availability, proprietary and/or specialized knowledge, quality considerations, skill requirements, volume, and timing. 零部件自制或外购的决策,是指企业围绕既可自制又可外购的零部件的取得方式而开展的决策,又叫零部件取得方式的决策。企业生产产品所需要的零部件,是自己组织生产还是从外部购进,这是任何企业都会遇到的决策问题。需要考虑的因素决策包括成本,容量可用性,专有和/或专业知识,质量考虑,技能需求,数量和时间安排。

22. Outsourcing and Subcontracting: Outsourcing is the process of having suppliers provide goods and services that were previously provided internally.
Outsourcing involves substitution — the replacement of internal capacity and production by that of the supplier. 外包是指企业动态地配置自身和其他企业的功能和服务,并利用企业外部的资源为企业内部的生产和经营服务。Subcontracting is Sending production work outside to another manufacturer. 所謂分包商,是指從事分包業務的分包單位。将生产工作发送到其他制造商。

23. Scrap: Material outside of specifications and possessing characteristics that make rework impractical. 废料:超出规格并具有的材料返工变得不切实际的特征。

