Lessons I Learned After the Fire: Gratitude, Relaxation, Resilience

Extraordinary Garden
5 min readAug 15, 2023

Just another ordinary and pleasant weekend afternoon, my boyfriend, my family, and I were having dinner together when suddenly we heard an explosive sound coming from near the garbage bin. My boyfriend went to investigate, and he rushed back to me, saying, Call 911!!! 911! The house is on fire!! My boyfriend rushed outside, grabbing a hose and spraying water toward the fire. Meanwhile, in a state of panic, I called 911. After hanging up the phone, I felt my entire body trembling. I didn’t even have the courage to go outside and see the situation.

Fortunately, the firefighters arrived quickly and extinguished the fire. The damage wasn’t significant; only our garbage bins were completely burnt, the fence between the neighbors was gone, their garbage bin was also destroyed, and a small portion of the neighbor’s roof was slightly charred from the fire.

To be honest, I really dislike revisiting this experience; just the thought of that moment still gives me chills. So, I truly sympathize and feel deeply saddened for the people affected by the recent wildfire in Maui. The elements of water and fire are merciless, and fire is truly terrifying. Perhaps, if a few more minutes had passed, everything could have been lost.

The fire investigator couldn’t determine the cause; it might have been the spontaneous combustion of the garbage bin. While the fire was extinguished, it was much harder to put out the anger from the neighbors. The fire left me feeling fearful, but the events that followed left me deeply disheartened and disappointed. My neighbor is an old white lady who is usually very friendly and often greets me. However, when I tried to communicate and express my apologies, she simply said that insurance would handle it. I didn’t say much more, but the next day, I bought gift cards and flowers to convey my apologies. After all, the fire originated from my side and disrupted her peaceful life. What was disheartening, though, was that her son encountered my boyfriend and threatened us. He accused us of engaging in unsavory activities at home, possibly making fireworks, and using extremely racially discriminatory language.

The neighbor quickly contacted the insurance company and requested that as much as possible be replaced with new items. She also mentioned that she found us not very friendly. Up to now, we haven’t had any further communication, and they haven’t asked us for the insurance company information either.

This situation has left me frustrated and disappointed with our neighbors. It’s frustrating because the issue could have been resolved amicably; my boyfriend even offered to help repair the fence. However, due to the lack of effective communication, we have stopped reaching out to them proactively. My friends have been constantly reassuring me that if they need to claim these repair costs, they’ll have to involve their insurance company, which will naturally contact you. There’s nothing you can do at the moment.

This incident has taken a toll on my positive mood for nearly a week. On the one hand, I feel quite innocent, but on the other hand, I find it quite troublesome. But now, I’ve come to a place of acceptance. I’ve learned three things from this experience.


First, I realize that I’m still alive and haven’t suffered major losses. Thankfully, we were all at home at the time, and the fire was promptly extinguished. My family wasn’t harmed, and the neighbors didn’t face any personal safety issues. Despite the minor damages, these are all things that can be repaired. Why should I worry so much? As long as it didn’t involve life and death, I should focus on being grateful and happy.


The second point I learned is that life can’t always be smooth sailing, and unexpected events are bound to happen. Often, we are truly powerless, and I can’t change my neighbors’ suspicions and misunderstandings about us. They may hold biased views against new immigrants. But why should I try to change their minds? I have many people who love me, and that’s what matters. If they don’t come to me, I don’t need to worry. I’ll let things unfold naturally; many times, answers reveal themselves over time. What I need to do is enjoy every day, and take it easy. Even if I worry every day and live in fear, I still can’t change the reality.


Resilience refers to the ability to maintain toughness and adaptability in the face of adversity, difficulties, or pressure, swiftly recover, and continue moving forward. This is also the third point I’ve learned — to maintain resilience in the face of challenges, allowing us to bounce back and regain strength from adversity. This is also the ability to problem-solve. I need to address inquiries from the insurance company, communicate with my neighbors, face pressure from the landlord, and take on the responsibility of repairs.

What an important skill this is. Just the thought of facing others’ emotions makes me want to withdraw and avoid the situation. However, it seems like this matter is something I must handle, as avoiding it won’t provide a solution. Instead of worrying and feeling incapable of facing it, it’s better to confront it directly. At worst, it will just take some time.

Don’t underestimate yourself. Remember that when you encounter difficulties, you possess boundless potential, from which you can cultivate resilience and gather the courage to tackle challenges head-on.

We might have countless challenges to face in the future — such is life! I’m grateful for this experience; it brought moments of discouragement and worry, yet it also deepened my gratitude. I’m alive, healthy, and surrounded by my family.

A lesson learned is a blessing earned.

