Let’s move-the journey of how to make my low back pain free

Extraordinary Garden
6 min readJan 19, 2023

Section Three

In the previous article, I mentioned low back pain. First of all, let me explain first, please try not to do these movements in the acute stage of lumbar prolapse, I suggest to reducing the pain to 50–60% before trying to start, please pay attention to the word “try”, only you understand the pain index you feel , the amount you can afford. It may not be possible to make all the pain disappear, but it will be fine if you could move a little, I know It is often hard to stay active if you are in pain. Some people are even scared of moving too much. Don’t be afraid to try and get moving. In addition, I am not a professional doctor. I share how I gradually became a painless patient from a severe lumbar protrusion patient. And now I have unremittingly changed my living habits and established a healthy way of exercise that is beneficial to my low back.

One of the most important things that people with low back pain can do is to stay as physically active as possible in daily life and exercise regularly.

All we need to do after that is — get moving. You may have difficulty walking if you already have sciatic nerve pain from the heel due to lumbar protrusion. But you can try to move a little even if you are in pain, I just started with 10 steps for walking.

I recommend some movements for pain relief.

First one: Walking

I think that’s the most likely thing we can do initially. This is also the advice I got in the book and from my previous Chiropractor. Walking can have an anti-inflammatory effect. Record how many steps you can take every day, add more steps every day, and gradually you will find that you can walk a lot, and the pain will gradually disappear.

Second one: Swimming and hot Tubs

Swimming has helped me a lot with less pain in my lower back, and it’s the exercise that has definitely helped me the most. Remember not freestyle, only breaststroke and backstroke can help patients with low back, especially breaststroke, which is suitable for patients with lumbar disc herniation and cervical spondylosis. Mainly rely on the low back, abdomen, and legs to exert strength. At the same time, breaststroke needs shoulder and back strength when breathing. Breaststroke can exercise the back muscles and help prevent low back issues.

When swimming, the human body is immersed in water. Under the action of buoyancy, the human body can be in a “Semi-floating” state can reduce the burden on the low back; for people who are in pain, swimming can play a role in auxiliary treatment. Btw, It is not suitable to swim during the acute attack period of lumbar disc herniation.

The hot tub is also very helpful. After I swim, I will sit in the hot tub for 10 minutes to help the blood flow, and the water can massage my back at the same time. It puts me at ease.

Third one: McKenzie therapy

McKenzie therapy is a very effective self-prevention method for neck and back pain that has been proven by multinational medical practice. Its most prominent point is that it reduces medical expenses and can be called the cheapest treatment method.

I usually try to do these movements when I have time in my daily life. You can find a lot of relevant information on Google.

Forth one: Lumbar Traction by the horizontal bar or Traction Table

Proper traction treatment, using the strength of people’s limbs below the waist when hanging the horizontal bar, pull on the lumbar spine, which can increase the intervertebral space to a certain extent, further relieve the compression of the nerve roots, and reduce or eliminate symptoms.

But this kind of effect is not felt by everyone. Some people may work, and some people have no effect at all so the effect of treatment is not certain. It depends on whether a person’s condition is serious or not.

Motorized traction promotes an optimal healing environment to relieve discomfort in your neck and back. In fact, depending on the severity of your injury, stretching the spine using a traction table or similar motorized device can be an effective recovery option to relieve back pain, neck pain, and even, sometimes, leg pain.

I regularly go to the doctor for traction with a traction machine, but this item does not cover my insurance, which is no small expense. but it does help. I personally think that the traction way of using a traction table is more effective than the horizontal bar or the chiropractor’s adjustment.

Fifth one: Massage

You might think of massage as a luxury. But growing evidence suggests that it’s much more than an extravagance. In fact, massage therapy — the general term for the many different types of massage — may play a role in helping to ease some types of pain, improve mental health, and speed recovery from surgery.

Although there is no therapeutic effect, it is a very important link. When we have undergone treatment and the pain has improved significantly, I suggest going for a massage, especially if you have a full-time job of 40 hours a week like me, our long-term sedentary or the same posture, causing more than just low back Soreness, the entire cervical spine may have taken too much pressure. Massage will help us relax the muscles of the whole body, reduce stress, and relieve pain, which has a very good auxiliary effect.

Your low back needs to do different exercises at different stages of treatment, and you need to constantly adjust the way that suits you, and also according to your own economic situation. Overall, I suggest you still consult your doctor for advice. But remember the principle is that when you do this exercise for several days, but the pain worsens, it may mean that this exercise is not suitable for you.

It is easy to get sick, but difficult and slow to cure. Usually, we have to pay attention to our living habits to avoid getting sick. Low back pain requires a long recovery process. Even if there is no pain, we should insist on some exercises to keep you from getting sick again. In the next chapter, I will share some living habits and sports that we could do.

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