Love Just Ain’t Enough for Marriage- Marriage Story Movie Review

Extraordinary Garden
6 min readJan 6, 2020

This marriage story is a practical divorce movie that explores marriage and love. The film was inspired by director Noah Baumbach’s real divorce experience with his ex-wife. I think that it is the movie content that is close to life, so it makes people feel very impressive. The movie made us realize that marriage is full of challenges. If there is only love in the marriage, it may be difficult to go to the end.

  1. An ability to manage the full range of your emotions without acting out destructively toward yourself or others.

Our words are very powerful. When quarreling, people often speak by month faster than the brain and the heart. Don’t let the words easily involve to blame the other’s family, curse the other to die or propose a divorce. Misunderstandings are often caused by confusing emotions.

2. The ability to admit your mistakes and apologize to others.
Marriage is not a question of right or wrong, maybe it’s a matter of speaking attitude. Facing each other’s blame, we may defend ourselves or fight back. But if you lose each other even if you quarrel and win, it doesn’t really make any sense. And do not forgive to others at the same time, we must also forgive ourselves.

3. An ability to respect and accept other people’s boundaries, even if they upset you, without acting out destructively toward yourself or others.

Your sense of security shouldn’t come from your partner. This is very difficult. In marriage, two people are partners, friends, family, and lovers, but also independent individuals. We must learn to respect each other’s private space. Especially for girls, when the partner replying to the message late, or he will attending the party alone, and going home later may cause cranky thoughts. We have to be honest with each other and tell them what you feel and what you think. Of course, in marriage, we also need empathy, we have a responsibility to give each other a sense of security.

But at the same time, the movie also teaches us a few things.

  1. In a relationship, no challenge should be faced by anyone alone.

Our usual concept of divorce is that two people no longer love each other or have irreconcilable conflicts. But Nicole and Charlie in the story not only have love but are very responsible parents. They hoped to resolve the divorce peacefully. Why does she want a divorce? she found she cannot be herself after she got married. She longed to have her own sky in her career and need her husband’s affirmative. But when she told her husband that she had a chance to participate in a TV drama in LA, her husband responded by mocking her and asking her to invest her salary in his theatrical company. She was fully aware that this was not the life she wanted.

She was born and grew up in Los Angeles, she will have more job opportunities in Los Angeles, her inner desire for her husband to try to consider once, see her others talents, perhaps they can go to Los Angeles development. But She chose tolerated in marriage for a long time, everyone needs the satisfaction of self-worth. When she can’t be herself, the long-term accumulation can lead to making extreme decisions that is why her husband couldn’t understand why she wanted suddenly divorced. In marriage, Don’t be afraid to say your voice and your real needs, don’t be afraid to be who you are, it’s unfair to yourself and unfair to your partner.

2. Love is not that it will not change, but that it grows with the change of two people.

For Charlie, everything changed too suddenly. When Nicole found a local lawyer, which forced him to find a lawyer in a short time. He felt helpless and had no choice. He thought that the sudden change of his wife led to their divorce. He thought he had sacrificed a lot for this marriage. At the time, he was very young. There may be many possibilities in life. He has still married her. And he never complained. He did not understand why his wife changed suddenly, even he has to lose his son’s custody. The divorce makes him lost his wife, his child, and even a good relationship with his wife’s family.

Nicole is actually always changing, He just focused on his own affairs and did not notice these changes. Many female audiences will say that Charlie is very selfish. I believe Charlie loves this family. Charlie bears the pressure of work and family responsibilities in his own way, but he forgot that hears his wife’s real voice, and the marriage is not that won’t change, but that it grows with the change of two people.

At the end of the story, I believe many people will cry about the scene. When Charlie read Nichole's letter about his strengths, they used to be the people who knew each other best and were closest to each other. They no longer belong to each other. They used to be that knew best and the closest in the world, Even if they divorced, they still love each other.
This may be an American-style divorce story. Nichole found her own career. In addition to his work, Charlie began to care about other things and accepted a job in the LA.

From the perspective of a third party, I really feel that their divorce is really a pity. We are not perfect people, so our relationship will not be perfect.

The divorce rate is very high now in the world, as long as they feel unsuitable or have better options, they will be separated. Marriage has never been easy, My parents have been married for 33 years, and they have quarreled, and also have many disagree until now. But their determination to walk together for the whole lifetime often encourages me. They now love each other more than every day. I like to look at marriage in a positive and optimistic manner. Marriage is not so complicated. Perhaps it is that we think too negatively and too heavily, which makes us full of stress in the relationship. I believe that as long as you don’t give up, you will eventually find an exit. Marriage is full of challenges, but at the same time, it is full of wonderful things.

Just like the Bible words about love teaching us:
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.

