The impact of ChatGPT on the future of writing

Extraordinary Garden
3 min readFeb 24, 2023

ChatGPT can be said to have become popular all over the world overnight, and the artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI has also caused a lot of panics. Although it does not have emotions or consciousness like humans, its ability to continuously learn and improve, to provide answers and solutions to problems, and to interact with humans is almost beyond people’s imagination.

We might have guessed that this day would come, but not so soon. We began to have a great sense of insecurity that maybe this guy will replace most of the jobs of human beings one day.

So let me start by asking what ChatGPT thinks about this.

Do you think ChatGPT will replace a lot of human work?

ChatGPT clearly and objectively states what it cannot do. It does not have the creativity, empathy, or critical thinking skills that humans possess. There are many jobs that require these skills, such as creative writing, counseling, and complex decision-making, that are unlikely to be replaced by ChatGPT or other AI technologies anytime soon.

We have noticed that although it can generate many articles, there are basically certain rules to follow. I while it can produce coherent and even compelling writing, it is still limited by the data it was trained on and cannot replicate the depth and complexity of human creativity.

Writers bring their own unique perspectives, experiences, and insights to their writing. They are capable of weaving together different ideas, emotions, and perspectives in ways that are fresh and thought-provoking. They also have the ability to tap into the nuances of language and use it in ways that are both powerful and evocative.

Personally, I feel that we humans all have personal memories, experiences, and emotions that AI cannot have. The unique feelings and emotions generated by the stories you experience cannot be described by AI.

In addition, we humans are more creative and imaginative. Our creation is not just about integrating knowledge. The content we create may be content that has never existed in the database.

In short, the emergence of ChatGPT may change the way we approach writing and research, but it is unlikely to replace the creativity and skill of human writers.

How to face the future and coexist with the era of AI skills?

AI is now capable of creating formatted content, collecting data, and even writing programs when given specific instructions. It is undeniable that future jobs in the field of journalism and software engineering may be significantly replaced by AI.

Due to its powerful learning ability, I believe that AI will soon be able to master the latest information. While many jobs may be replaced, many experiential and creative jobs will still need to exist.

Taking writing as an example, we still need authors, but there may be higher demands for authors in the future. It is unlikely that they can simply find a similar story and edit it casually. Rather, what is needed is authenticity and content created by individuals. This may require more brilliance and be completely different from the previous content, which cannot be created by AI based on big data alone.

It just occurred to me that learning how to manage AI and creating mechanisms to protect humans from it could be a great employment opportunity in the future.

We shouldn’t see ChatGPT as a threat, but rather as a very powerful tool. The real threat comes from the people who use the tool, not the tool itself. We have intentions behind our actions, but tools don’t. They simply provide information based on our commands.

It’s important to think about how we can better utilize this tool to help ourselves create more meaningful value. May this powerful tool be used for the right purposes, and may humanity benefit from it.

