Why do so many Chinese Americans support President Trump

Extraordinary Garden
5 min readDec 26, 2020

2020 is a very important and disastrous year for the United States. Covid 19 has affected the normal lives of all Americans. Many people are unemployed and even many have left the world. On the other hand, this year is an election year. Who is our president in the next four years is very important to the United States.

We Chinese have always been accustomed to being the silent majority, and even when we immigrated to the free America, it seems that we are still living with the old habits of China, working hard, living a good life, and not caring much about politics. But it seems that the US President Trump has broken our Chinese attitude towards American politics.

Why do Chinese Americans begin to pay attention to American politics and the election? Why do many Chinese Americans speak out and support Trump? I’d like to share my some opinions.


1. We need a president who truly loves the people, not a hypocritical politician.

President Trump was a businessman before. His way of speaking is simple and clear, but sometimes with emotion. I know that many people do not like him because he has no experience in politics and his speech is impolite sometimes. But the interesting thing is that because of this, I started to notice him, because I can understand what he is doing now, and his promises to the people have been fulfilled one by one during his four years in power.For example, combating Isis, moving the US embassy to Jerusalem to promote peace in the Middle East, implementing tax cuts, iIncrease tariffs to China to protect U.S. trade interests and providing more benefits to US soldiers…

His decisions have been considering the rights of the American people. The 900 billion Covid relief bill only gave the American people $600 per person, and the other 800 billion was spent on other countries and companies. From the chart on the left, you can see to whom the money will be given.

President Trump rejected the proposal, and demanded Congress increase second stimulus check from $600 to $2,000. Even more ridiculous is that these representatives passed this bill and raised their salaries. It is obvious who is working for the welfare of the people. President Trump can completely ignore this bill. He doesn’t need the money at all, but he knows his people need it.

2. We came to the United States because we desire to stay away from socialism and have the rights of citizens.

Many of us grew up in this socialist country, and we really understand the issues of this system.We have been brainwashed by the government for a long time. The news we read is filtered by the government. We do not allow different voices. Because of There is only one political party, they are eager to be the king. At the beginning, they will give you packed candy, which looks beautiful, but the taste is very disgusting. They block any truth, just as many mainstream medias in the United States do now. You may be in jail for expressing a different thoughts from them. Hong Kong now is a very real and cruel example.

Communism seems like the government has guaranteed everyone the same treatment. This is also the most unfortunate. It seems that everyone has insurance, but no doctor is willing to treat illnesses unconditionally. The house you bought does not belong to you. The government can levy it back at any time. Corruption is everywhere. People who work hard and lazy people always get the same, so who will work harder.

This is why countries under the socialist system lack creativity, competitiveness, and free markets, healthy and fair trade. Leaders do not care about the interests of the people, but only care about their own rights and money. It can be said that the current Democratic Party is on this path. It is a pity that the United States, the beacon of freedom, has been eroded by socialism incompletely.

So we support President Trump because he encourages us to value our personal rights and support the free market.

3. We need the president who supports traditional values and fears God.

President Trump often said that we do not worship the government, we worship God. The words often touch my heart. America is great because of the greatness of the American people.

The people here worship and fear God, and they don’t need to be bound by the law. God’s words are the lamp to their feet. I remember seeing this sentence describing the United States in the 20th century. At that time, American crimes were almost unheard of. Residents did not lock their homes or cars, and the people trusted each other and communicated friendly.

It is a pity that many young people in the United States today hate their own country, hate their own president, have chaotic sexual relations and regard abortion as the most normal thing.Our President Trump longs for us to return to traditional values, love our family, love our country, and let the Christian faith return to school and back to every family.

When I immigrated to the United States and learned more about politics, I marveled at the greatness of this country. It was such a precious foundation created by dozens of leaders who feared and loved God and followed God. These brave and wise patriots have made the United States such a powerful country.

I am very grateful that we have such a brave President Trump defending the traditional American values and defending the rights and freedom of the people. I am also saddened by the corruption, corruption, and fraud in the United States today.

I believe that America will be great again, because darkness can never defeat light. All the deceit and lies will eventually be exposed, and more people will wake up, love and protect the United States. I hope that day will come soon. Blessing~

America is great because of the great people. let us listen to what the people say~

