2016’s Must Read Insights from EA & EVP

Extreme Accelerator
Extreme Accelerator
4 min readDec 15, 2016

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A Year In Review

The Extreme brand strives to bring our community members detailed analyses on the latest developments in the tech and finance industries. FinTech, Mobile, VC funding, and even electric vehicles have all been discussed over the past year of reports and articles. We’ve curated the best of this year’s insights below. They paint fascinating a picture of the dynamic and evolving market of 2016.

Banking On Change — FinTech


An original report on the role of Financial Technologies, or FinTech, in the new economy. After surveying 400 Canadians, EVP crunched the numbers to evaluate the drivers and barriers to implementing FinTech services nation wide.

Horizontal competition with little differentiation was the only threat large banking institutions had to retain market share, creating a stagnant banking industry with little innovation since the introduction of ATMs and electronic payment systems. The emergence of FinTech after the 2008 financial crisis is redefining the competitive landscape and challenging traditional banks.

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Are Electric Fleets Viable in 2016? — CleanTech

Comparison of Energy Costs

CleanTech has become a major focus area for economic development, with electric vehicles a key focus area. The true test of the advent of an electric car will be the adoption of electric fleets, especially with delivery startups. In this article EA evaluates the current offerings by major motor vehicle companies, and their viability as fleet vehicles.

Uber revealed the addition of 50 electric vehicles to their fleet, and China has at least 100,000 electric buses. Given all the investment by large firms and governments, should your business move to full electric for its transport needs? For Toronto logistics startups, being a first adopter of an electric fleet might grant an edge on the competition. Theoretically, a low maintenance, energy efficient, and environmentally friendly fleet is appealing, but is it currently viable?

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H1 2016: Technology Venture Financing in Canada — Venture Capital


Canada is already one of the major players in the VC world, and 2016 affirmed future growth. Over $1.5 billion was invested in almost 200 deals in 2015, and this report details continued growth by chronicling major exits in H1.

The Canadian VC landscape for technology companies in H1 2016 was active in different industries across different cities. Overall, we see that Canada still stands as a top-notch space for technology innovation with the Toronto-Waterloo corridor leading the overall VC funding environment.

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Netflix Leads The Way As Canadians Cut Cords — ICT

Netflix comparison

As consumers switch to new entertainment platforms, incumbents compete to create their own disruptive products. In this article, EVP surveys Canadians on their cord cutting habits, gauging the status of telecom giant offerings like Shomi to industry veteran Netflix.

With Canada rapidly becoming a nation of cord-cutters, the race to be the leading streaming service heightens. Cable is still the premier source for the country’s television viewers right now, but the alternative options are battling for the immediate future, as 200,000 Canadians dropped their cable service in 2015, a number that increased by 100,000 from the previous year. We surveyed 400 people to get a sense of the video streaming subscription landscape…

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The Battle of the Wallet: Innovation vs Tradition — Mobile, FinTech


The introduction of Apple Pay presented a new way for Canadians to make transactions. An original EVP survey of 800 Canadians discovered a lack of awareness of for the nascent platform. Compared with literature from the United States, EVP creates a snapshot of the current state of one of the most high profile mobile launches.

In June, the team at EVP recently conducted a survey with a sample population of 800 Canadians from across the nation. We asked them one simple question, “Do you use Apple Pay?”. We asked participants to respond with one of the answers in Figure 1. We’ve got the results back, and we’re ready to share our findings.

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More On the Way

The five pieces above just scratch the surface on the wealth of topics explored both here, and on www.evp.vc. This year we also discussed undead firms, the Samsung Note 7 recall, and the Internet of Things, just to say a few. Take a look at our past blog archives for more content, and subscribe to our newsletter below for updates on new posts. There is a wealth of new insights, commentary, and analyses coming in 2017, and we look forward to sharing them with you come January.

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Extreme Accelerator
Extreme Accelerator

Built by Extreme Venture Partners, we are an accelerator & co-working space in Toronto for seed stage startups. Helping disruptive startups since 2015.