Welcoming New Faces to EVP and EA

Muzammil Taj
Extreme Venture Partners
2 min readSep 2, 2016

Recently, the Extreme family has grown larger with the addition of Aniket Patel and Muzammil Taj. Here’s some more information about them so everyone can get acquainted!

Hi everyone! I’m Aniket and I’m happy to be Extreme Venture Partner’s newest intern!

Currently, I’m a third year bachelors’ student studying finance at uWaterloo. Before joining EVP, I did an internship at a hedge fund and another at a real estate firm (so if you want advice on stocks or where to buy new houses, I’m your guy).

One of the biggest sectors that interest me involve Internet of Things products; especially given the rise of mass internet connectivity along with the productivity and efficiency it can bring to our everyday lives.

Whenever not fascinating myself with VC and startups, I have a passion for UI and UX design, and I’m a massive Formula 1 and soccer fan.

I can’t wait to get to know everyone. Feel free to reach out at aniket@extremeinnovations.com or @Aniket_P1.

Hello everyone!

My name is Muzammil Taj, and I am the new Community Manager and Event Coordinator at Extreme Accelerator. I’m a student of the Science and Business program at the University of Waterloo, and have a passion for the intersection of technology, data, and media.

I’ll be relaying information on all of the awesome upcoming events by EA, as well as delivering news on the latest developments in the tech industry. Be sure to follow us on our social media channels, and sign up for the EVP Newsletter to stay in the know!

You can reach me at muzammil@extreme.tech, I love to have conversations on a whole range of subjects from creative writing to biotech, so don’t hesitate to start a discussion.

