Summer of Fire: Claire Cansick

Extreme Weather Stories
2 min readDec 2, 2022

This is a guest piece from artist Claire Cansick. Most of the articles in this publication are textual, describing experiences of extreme weather or collecting and reflecting on the experiences of others. We’re very keen to share response to extreme weather in other modes too, whether in fiction, film, music or visual art, for example. We’re really pleased that Claire responded positively to our invitation to share her work. Her statement and images follow. Do get in touch with us on if you would like to publish here.

Summer of Fire

I am coming to a close on a year long project painting extreme weather events as reported on mainstream news, social media and videos of first hand experiences, and two main themes have become apparent; fire and flood.

This summer past was an incredible and devastating illustration of the alteration of the climate and its consequences. For a few weeks every part of my research referred to fire occurring in numerous European countries, to the USA and fires in fields a few miles from where I live.

So I painted as many as I could as quickly as I could in order to capture the madness of how widespread and terrifying it was, and to freeze frame the daily reports being fed through our tvs for the appropriate consideration they deserve.

I ended up making 12 paintings of fires between June — September, a few of which I have shared here.

My climate project is titled You And I Are Earth and all paintings are posted on my website as they are completed. Work is in progress to exhibit the entire project during 2023.

McKinney Fire 29.07 Alert, California, by Claire Cansick
Pumarejo-De-Tera Spain 18.07 Cesa Manso. By Claire Cansick
London 19.07 Sky News. By Claire Cansick
Ashill Fire 19.07 EDP. By Claire Cansick
Bordeaux 18.07 CDN Radio France. By Claire Cansick



Extreme Weather Stories

Director of Flow & Climate Museum UK. Co-founder Culture Declares. Cultural researcher, artist-curator, educator.