Dialogue for Democracy

Rukmini Iyer
Exult! Solutions
Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2019

In the last six days, we worked with around 70 young leaders from high schools and colleges, at the Interfaith Harmony Camp organized by the Seeds of Peace India program. Doing this work at this time, in this country, was a challenge and a blessing at the same time. If democracy stands a chance, it is through dialogue. And we dialogued around identity, faith, religion, caste, privilege, democracy, CAA, NRC and associated themes. We worked on the democracy within, and around us. Challenging as it is, this gives me hope. And doing this work, is my protest.
There is a lot happening in India, and the world over, right now. The common theme is a clarion call for engagement — with the world, our governments, our consciousness, our relationships, our emotions, our bodies. Our collective disengagement from whatever we consider an inconvenience has brought us here. It is time to reclaim our shadows.
Participating in protests is one way to engage. And it is important to remember that one can protest in many ways, in a manner that most aligns with who you are. For some, it may be joining a march. For another, it may be prayer. For yet another, it may be about learning about politics and governance actively. For me, it is doing the work I do. There is no one right way. But engage, we must. As we navigate these times, remember, we all hold a common prayer — for a world that works for us all.
सब की पूजा एक सी,
अलग अलग हर रीत.
मस्जिद जाये मौलवी,
कोयल गाये गीत.
Everyone prays for the same reason,
Only, the rituals differ.
The cleric goes to the mosque,
The cuckoo sings a song…

#India #CAA #NRC #democracy
#RukminiIyer #ExultSolutions #Peacebuilding #PeaceEducation #Dialogue



Rukmini Iyer
Exult! Solutions

Conscious Leadership Facilitator and Coach | Peacebuilder and Educator | Writer | Founder, Exult! Solutions | www.exult-solutions.com