Seeking the new myth

Rukmini Iyer
Exult! Solutions
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2020

Oh what a nourishing experience it was to facilitate, once more, what is emerging as our core work here at Exult! Solutions — a workshop around journeying consciously through life. This morning, the workshop was organised in support of the fabulous work being done by Project Mumbai through their Khaana Chahiye initiative.

Like every time that we have facilitated this work, this time too, we had an eclectic bunch of people from divergent backgrounds and cultures. And yet, they all felt pulled to answer the call of the collective — a sense that a lot of us around the world have been tuning into, in different ways.

Here are a few of my learnings and reflections from this session:

  • The need for a collective myth is loud and clear. Over and over again, our mythology — our shared history of civilizations — seems to be teaching us that individual journeys, personal successes and conquests, while crucial, are not enough. We need to journey together. For some of us, this may mean slowing down. For some others, it may mean picking up the pace. And yet, it is important to remember that our personal achievements will mean not much till we co-create a container that can hold, appreciate and nurture it.
  • While the idea of raising one’s consciousness can make it sound like a linear scale, to me, it is not hierarchical as much as it is heterarchical. We can choose to serve and take care of others even as we strive to make ends meet for ourselves. We can choose to contribute, volunteer and make a difference to others even as we nurture our own near and dear ones. It is a matter of where we choose to locate our consciousness: in our individual selves, or in our collective self.
  • While a lot of us are grieving over the separation and polarisation that is surfacing right now, there is also the opportunity to notice the connectedness that caused this situation — how quickly a tiny organism made its way from an erstwhile unknown market in one part of the world, to the entire globe. How do we re-purpose this connectedness for the benefit of the collective?
  • For most of us across the world, right now, there are more questions than answers. Most of our training and education has taught us to find answers, to fix things, to be solution-oriented. And the world we created with that orientation is obviously not working and is on the verge of collapse. Here’s an opportunity to reorient, with humility (note that the word originates from the Latin humus, meaning earth: an invitation to be closer to the earth): Can we learn to live as questions? Let life emerge as the answer.

These are but a fraction of the richness of the dialogue we had and we hope to reach out to more people as we go along.

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#RukminiIyer #ExultSolutions #Consciousness #Journey #Covid



Rukmini Iyer
Exult! Solutions

Conscious Leadership Facilitator and Coach | Peacebuilder and Educator | Writer | Founder, Exult! Solutions |