eYeka Helps SINGA Furbish Their New Office

The community organization, which promotes meaningful integration of refugees and currently works on building an “Airbnb for migrants,” can count on eYeka’s support.

eYeka Stories
2 min readNov 13, 2015


During one day, the (strong) eYeka staff worked with SINGA members and volunteers to furbish their new offices in the heart of Paris

SINGA encourages solidarity with men and women who flee their home country, fearing persecution due to their race, religion, nationality, their belonging to a specific social group or their political opinions. Their mission is to support refugees in their socio-economic integration by providing innovative solutions and by encouraging cooperation with the host country.

SINGA’s mission is to support refugees in their socio-economic integration in their host countries.

François (CEO), Alexis (CFO) and Eric (Head of IT) working hard to make SINGA’s offices look good

Concretely, SINGA organizes refugee integration by helping them to learn local languages, organizing workshops on socio-cultural codes, supporting entrepreneurs and encourage the clear use of information technologies and communication. As you can imagine given the current events in Europe, SINGA has a lot of work these days.

To support their growing workload, organizational needs and hosting capabilities, SINGA needs good-looking, large and welcoming offices. Everyone is invited to join, to participate and their offices should feel like home, because — like eYeka — SINGA places the community at the heart of their mission. This is why we lend a helping hand.

Natasha (Community Manager), Joshua (Developer), Ekaterina (Head of Community) and Audrey (Project Manager)

Beyond just cleaning, painting racks and table or building shelves, it was also inspiring to discover such an energetic team aligned behind such an important cause. Empowering individuals, wherever they come from, to pursue their dreams and be integrated into society is a noble cause, one that eYeka’s team deeply identified with.

We don’t just believe in freedom of speech and openness to other cultures, we think that every motivated and skilled individual should have a chance to build something meaningful. By helping refugees to do just that, SINGA pursues a noble cause — one that we are proud to support.

SINGA’s offices are not finished yet, so we encourage YOU to get in touch if you want to help them too. Contact SINGA here or become a member yourself to join the cause. Today’s site is in French only, but as SINGA is becoming a truly global organization, expect to see it translated very soon.

And stay tuned on eYeka where you may soon see a SINGA project go live!



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