App Store: Quickie Privacy Policy

Amitai Blickstein
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2016


My second app submitted to the app store was rejected because I skipped a step that I had been diligent about with my first: the privacy policy. [UPDATE: Upon closer inspection, it was rejected because I did not explain how my app (a card trick with numbers) was appropriate for kids. They expressed additional concern over my lack of a privacy policy, but would never have noticed had I not already drawn the Eye of Sauron my way. I fixed that by recommending my app for only 13+ years.]

iTunesConnect rejection screenshot
In all aspects of Life, rejection hurts, however justified.

So here is how I set up a privacy policy in under 30 minutes, which, with practice, can certainly be shortened to 10–15 min.

1. Generate a Privacy Policy

A quick Google search will find you a number of free privacy policy generators, which I prefer over templates. Make sure to add the keyword “app” to your search string, otherwise you may reach a website privacy policy generator instead. I used Generate your policy, and download.

2. Grab a Free Website

A free wordpress site will do just fine. I used Weebly, since my apps are not for marketing, but to build my portfolio.

Screen Shot 2016-01-21 at 8.45.57 PM

3. Add a “Privacy Policy” Page

…and stick your policy there. In this case, I didn’t even load the HTML, but included the file for anyone to download.

Screen Shot 2016-01-21 at 8.49.24 PM

4. Tell Apple

Cut and paste the URL into its berth on iTunes Connect. Relax by reading some tech blog posts.

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