App Store: Quickie Privacy Policy
My second app submitted to the app store was rejected because I skipped a step that I had been diligent about with my first: the privacy policy. [UPDATE: Upon closer inspection, it was rejected because I did not explain how my app (a card trick with numbers) was appropriate for kids. They expressed additional concern over my lack of a privacy policy, but would never have noticed had I not already drawn the Eye of Sauron my way. I fixed that by recommending my app for only 13+ years.]
So here is how I set up a privacy policy in under 30 minutes, which, with practice, can certainly be shortened to 10–15 min.
1. Generate a Privacy Policy
A quick Google search will find you a number of free privacy policy generators, which I prefer over templates. Make sure to add the keyword “app” to your search string, otherwise you may reach a website privacy policy generator instead. I used Generate your policy, and download.
2. Grab a Free Website
A free wordpress site will do just fine. I used Weebly, since my apps are not for marketing, but to build my portfolio.
3. Add a “Privacy Policy” Page
…and stick your policy there. In this case, I didn’t even load the HTML, but included the file for anyone to download.
4. Tell Apple
Cut and paste the URL into its berth on iTunes Connect. Relax by reading some tech blog posts.