How Alex Daily is Creating Healthy Habits for Females Everywhere

Nathan Moses
Eyesight Creative
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2017
Alex Daily, Co-Founder of imPULSE

Every day, Alex Daily from Houston, Texas, is getting closer to achieving her dream of founding a successful company. As a recent graduate from Indiana University, she has been shattering goals and celebrating the small victories that will take her business from the idea stage to becoming an impactful company. She embodies the underrepresented demographic of female founders and has made it her mission to use tech and business to improve the health of women everywhere. But, not every step along her entrepreneurial path will be easy. In fact, very few of them will be, but the fact that she has taken a step in the first place is a testament to her diligence and devotion to solving a major problem.

Alex is the co-founder of imPULSE, a mobile application, in the building stage, which helps women set personal goals for living a healthy lifestyle. It has tons of cool features including a scheduler, which helps users find time to complete their goals within their busy calendar. It goes beyond just getting women to exercise and eat healthy but instead structures a routine so women can form healthy habits for a lifetime. It also has a resources page, where users can view blogs, publications, or seek advice from other users, as well as a deals page, offering coupons and discount codes to local gyms, restaurants, yoga studios and more.

Alex was among the first to sign up for the Startup Vault beta group. She was also the first user we got feedback from. To our anxious delight, she has been absolutely loving it.

Looking to give Startup Vault a try, just like Alex? Find the course here.

Alex and her co-founder, Dani, are at such an early stage in their company that it could easily take any direction, and like 99% of startups out there, the direction, product, branding, and mission will most likely change. The Startup Vault course has been providing Alex guidance in making tough choices and has helped her navigate the waters and eventually steer her business in the right direction.

She raved about Chapter 4 on Finding Co-Founders with Lee Mayer of Havenly. Lee has disrupted an entire industry with her online interior design marketplace, and she’s done it all alongside her little sister. Lee’s experiences with finding co-founders and the advice that she offered gave Alex absolute assurance that she had found the right co-founder.

“Find someone who’s to-do list is the opposite of your to-do list. In other words, the stuff that you don’t want to do, find someone who is really passionate about it, and then, ultimately, you’ll be happier, you’ll be spending your time in a better way, but also, someone else will be so passionate about what they’re working on, that they’ll elevate to your level, and there is no way you can pay for that.” — Lee Mayer

Re-branding is also a hot ticket item for imPULSE, but Alex doesn’t refuses to follow the aesthetic of most brands in her industry. She wants to find something unique that doesn’t conform to the status quo. She wants imPULSE to stand out. We suggested that she jump to Chapter 5 on Branding with Chris White of Shinesty, which will give her amazing advice on how to deviate from the typical formula of adopting the industry aesthetic. It will force her to dig deep within herself to revolutionize imPULSE’s image.

Alex told us that she hadn’t been using the course in chronological order, nor did she feel that she had to complete every part of the course, which was a relief to us. Many of our customers will be at different stages with their companies, and we encourage students to use whichever parts they find useful at that time.

Alex is well on her way to making imPULSE a profitable business, and the truth is, YOU are not incapable of doing the same. Everybody has the power to get started. All it takes is identifying a problem, researching that problem, talking to some people, and brainstorming a solution.

Want to speed up the process of starting a business of your own? See how Eyesight can help.

