Meet Nick, the 22-Year-Old Delivery Man / Waiter Who Is Becoming an Entrepreneur Instead

Nathan Moses
Eyesight Creative
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2017

Nick did not get a job in the industry associated with his degree, just like 62% of millennial college graduates. A New Jersey native, Nick Leonardi has a bachelor’s degree in sports management and a minor in athletic coaching from York College of Pennsylvania.

Currently, Nick delivers car parts during the day and waits tables at night. Though these occupations pay his bills, he is unsatisfied with the level of engagement and impact his work provides. Millions of millennials identify with Nick’s situation. There is nothing worse than waking up at 6am every single day, and getting to bed at 1am every night, only to show up at jobs that are brutally unfulfilling. Nick decided that it was time to make a change.

On the side, he’s made great steps in taking his destiny into his own hands by founding a social media consulting company specializing in Facebook advertising, web advertising, and event planning. His mission is to help local businesses drive sales through social media marketing and provide tools for them to be able to advertise seamlessly.

Nick’s entrepreneurial spirit grew after witnessing a close friend of his start a successful bow tie business with his brother. This same friend is now founding TLC Media Consulting alongside him.

I was able to hop on the phone with Nick while he was delivering car parts. He was excited to share how much the Startup Vault course had been helping him since he started. He was consuming the chapters in order, and had gotten through about three chapters in the first week — that’s hustle if I’ve ever seen it. When asked which chapter stood out to him the most, he mentioned Chapter 1 with Romain Vakilitibar of Pathos VR on Finding Your Idea. The number one peice he pulled from Romain’s lesson was to focus on a problem and to build a business focused on solving that problem, rather than just focusing on a good idea. Ideas are very likely to change in correspondence with the problem as the market responds. Too many young entrepreneurs focus on “the next big idea”. In the chapter, Romain urges students to recognize when they have a light bulb moment, and smash the light bulb. Instead, focus on the problem!

Want to get on the same path as Nick? Check out Eyesight’s Startup Vault course for Entrepreneurs here.

Nick also mentioned how excited he was to go through Chapter 6 with Pascal Wagner of Walkthrough on Production and Pricing. Pascal started his entrepreneurial career doing the same type of social media advertising and consulting as Nick. Learning from pascal on this kind of human level will be the driving force behind Nick’s ultimate success when it comes to the production and pricing of his company’s services.

When asked where Nick saw himself in the future, he gave an answer that many first time founders do not give. Of course, he saw TLC Media Consulting helping clients all over the country, but he admitted that he prefers to be present in the moment and focus on small goals, one at a time. With about 10 clients lined up so far, his goal is to have 15–20 happy clients this year and be within three states in 5 years. Setting goals like this, upfront, is a pretty professional move, as most entrepreneurs can’t help but to focus on being a multi-million dollar company overnight.

Nick is well on his way to building a successful company, and we’re happy that we could help him get on the right track. The endless, cyclical days of working unfulfilling jobs must come to an end.

It’s more than likely that you have more raw talent inside yourself that you think. It’s time that the world started to recognize your potential. Now, it’s up to you to push yourself a little bit harder, think a little bit differently, and wake up a little bit earlier.

Eyesight is here to help you get started with a business venture, just like Nick Leonardi. Check out Startup Vault here.

We want to hear your story as well. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me at!

