Do You Control Your Mind? Or Does Your Mind Run You?

Alesha Peterson
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2017

Do you control your thoughts, or does it make you its b*tch?

It’s human and completely normal to want comfort. It makes us feel secure inside and gives us the illusion that as long as we stick to the path we’re on, then everything is going to fall in place and be just fine.

Have you ever wondered why you’re in the same spot you were a year ago or feel like you haven’t yet reached your full potential? Or watch others achieve goals and start comparing, saying “dayum” I’m behind.

It’s safer to choose the familiar path or to keep doing what we’re used to. How many times have you heard the quote it’s better to go along to get along?

Everyone wants to be loved and fit in. Who doesn’t?

Photo Credit Goes To School For Success.

In the process of fitting in, you lose your uniqueness and your path to your destiny.

That’s why people often continue to deal with driving back and forth to work while hating it, the anxiety of clocking in and out, crappy bosses, and barely getting vacation time at a job they can’t stand. It’s why some people fear attending networking events, or why some people have a hard time avoiding unhealthy foods.

MISERY LOVES COMPANY. Have you noticed when you make strides in your life people start hating or their support suddenly swift to get you to act the way they want to act?

Take this scenario for example… how many times have you repeatedly told yourself to go to workout, but then decided to skip it all because you didn’t feel like going? Even though you’re aware of the benefits and aware of the results it would bring, you still choose the less resistant path.

By letting your mind control you, your goals and ambitions suffered as a result.

Hello! I’m Alesha, I’m on team EYTech! I lead projects relating to search marketing & optimization, social media marketing, brand & content development for clients in varied industries. You will also find me writing a lot of posts for EYTech too! I also eat food, write love letters to food (I’m not joking, I confess my love @aleshampeterson) act and play music! Nice to meet you!



Alesha Peterson

Howdy! Entrepreneurship, fitness, music, acting, real estate, tequila & investing is sexy. Idea for an article? Input wanted!