It’s Not Sexy To Talk About The Work

Alesha Peterson
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2017

Have you noticed that successful people post tons of photos of themselves living the life, but very few photos of them actually doing the work to get there?

Is it really sexy to see people write business plans?

Is it sexy to file your paper work for your LLC?

Is it sexy to grind out the details of your projects?

No it’s not sexy.

It’s not sexy to talk about the work that goes into it — but it’s the most important part!

But eyes do roll when we book high-end clients, when we make strides right? They go “whoa” how you do that? When we post picture like this, they ponder thinking we have some secret formula. The secret formula? WORK.

Photo Credit Goes To EYTech

I guarantee if I posted pictures like this one at vacation spots below, I’d hear from all kinds of people asking “what are you doing girl?”

I talked with two new interns, our CEO, had a conference call with all my business partners all within a week period in December (I’m writing this the week it’s happening). Yet, people don’t want to hear about all that. But it’s nights and days like this:

Photo credit goes to Linux.

That leads to results. (Of course, we recommend that you get some friends and not spend 100% time working. Be social with people!)

I don’t mention on social media how many hours I put in a project. Why? People love to see the stories of you “having a successful” six figure, seven figure business. Have they even considered that even you had to start somewhere? That booking the $100 projects and the $1000 projects leads to the $10,000 and 6 figure projects? Of course not. Heck, I got more views when I posted food with r&b music from friends.

On another note.

Sometimes, when looking at other people or searching online, do you fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others (which doesn’t feel sexy)? If you’re not working your butt off or selling millions of dollars worth of products, it’s easy to think you don’t cut the mustard.

Wins come in big packages and small.

If I book a $200 client cool. $10,000 client? Cool. More than the money, my purpose and why is bigger.

My win? Success came in my business partners and continuing to meet like-minded people.

What are you proud of? It’s not sexy to talk about the work that goes into it, but I want to know here. What’s your sexy attribute?

Is it having a friend you can turn to in times of need? Is it hanging out with your friends yesterday?

Hello! I’m Alesha, I’m on team EYTech! I lead projects relating to search marketing & optimization, social media marketing, brand & content development for clients in varied industries. You will also find me writing a lot of posts for EYTech too! I also eat food, write love letters to food (I’m not joking, I confess my love @aleshampeterson) act and play music! Nice to meet you!



Alesha Peterson

Howdy! Entrepreneurship, fitness, music, acting, real estate, tequila & investing is sexy. Idea for an article? Input wanted!