Reasons Why Life Time Learners Win Over Smartie Pants

Alesha Peterson
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2016

Have you ever seen a super smart person struggle while someone you didn’t expect just knock it out the park? Why do we always associate high IQ’s with success? In other “twin” article I wrote, Why Smart People Struggle, I started explain what I’m saying below.

Why A Lifetime Learner Will Win Over A Smartie Pants 9/10 times.

  • We are not Google. Are you flexible or rigid? When a person realizes that they are not Google and don’t know everything, that’s when you come on top. One time I told someone that I’m not Google and I don’t know everything, she thought it was brilliant concept. But it’s true! If you’re flexible, it’s ok to admit that your going to make mistakes. Life isn’t perfect!
  • In Jon Westenburg’s I’m not the smartest person in the room, he explains a good point: If you show or tell everyone that you’re the smartest person in the room, you might get the attention and the acclaim and the praise and the admiration and a fairly liberal serving of people who think you’re Gods. Who knows, you might actually find yourself in a scenario where you truly are the smartest person in the room. But an even better point he makes? There’s a lot more room to do great things if you can avoid the tempting trap of proving what a goddamn genius you are. These are his words in the article. You waste time trying to get validation instead of actually making an impact.
  • Instead of trying to use your smarts to show how smart you are, use it to help others, not rub it in people’s faces. If you use your business to help others, you will never run out of work. A quick story: I knew a really smart relative. Instead of using his talent to help people, he used it to prove how much smarter he was than others. I get from friends on occasion: “Well I didn’t know you did that, and “WOW”. I keep trying to tell them that I’m not a overly bragging type person and they still don’t believe me! Well, a general rule that I follow? Instead of telling people my plans I show them my results.
  • The most successful people invest in themselves. Have you heard of this before? They spend time and money trying to improve themselves. It’s easy to sit back and say: “Why does this business charge so much money? This business is a ripoff, I can learn this on my own by reading a book.” I got to confess that a few of my family members complained when I talked about a program I was interested in and they charged $1000 for their course. On the other hand, I’ve read online that people have spent thousands and millions on their life long education. They willing to pay to learn more. They understand that a classroom is a great tool to use, but not the only way to learn.
  • Imagine if you learned a strategy that could improve struggling brands such as Sears, Kmart. What if you improved their brands? What if can find all their problems and solve them? Or create a plan like Nina did for airbnb? That would be worth millions of dollars. If you spent like $1,000 learning new skills from a system, don’t you think that would be worth it?
  • Nobody’s too good to learn (Remember we are not Google, the search engine lol). Sometimes you find that beginners who are cocky AF to think they know it all, while successful people realize they have a lot to learn. On the other hand, you have scenarios where some older adults isn’t convinced that some younger folks can’t teach them anything. Some are convinced that younger people can’t own homes or have quote in quote “successful” lifestyles at an early age. See below:

I bought my house at the age of 21. No one ever thinks I own the house. I’ve been in dozens of situations where people think I’m just renting it, or that my parents are paying rent for me. Some neighbours had pressured me so badly with their wrong views on me (“I am older than you, so you must be wrong and you have to listen to me”), I actually went to a lawyer and he informed them that they should stop harrassing me, and if they want to do/say anything about my property, they have to first have my permission. This is pretty dragging, because people’s assumptions are taken as reality, by them, and many simply wouldn’t reason with a person as young as I am.-Yana Ciṟanta Platova

I am older than you, so you must be wrong and you have to listen to me.

If you think of how crazy that sounds. There’s some people that are older than me and I respectfully decline their well-intentional advice. On the other hand, there’s people who are younger who have wisdom beyond their years and it pays to just listen. It’s not set and stone.

There’s so many great articles on the subject, like this one.

Hello! I’m Alesha, I’m on team EYTech! I lead projects relating to search marketing & optimization, social media marketing, brand & content development for clients in varied industries. You will also find me writing a lot of posts for EYTech too! I also eat food, write love letters to food (I’m not joking, I confess my love @aleshampeterson) act and play music! Nice to meet you!



Alesha Peterson

Howdy! Entrepreneurship, fitness, music, acting, real estate, tequila & investing is sexy. Idea for an article? Input wanted!