EZ Exchange Use Case 1: The New User

Rick Tapia
3 min readOct 29, 2018


EZ Exchange makes trading easy and secure for new traders

At EZ Exchange, our mission is to remove the barriers to trading cryptocurrency to make buying, selling and trading cryptocurrency easy and secure. As crypto traders and having gone through the trials and tribulations ourselves, we understand the challenges that investors face in this space. Over the next few weeks, we will be launching a new blog series that delves into different investor profiles, and examines how EZ Exchange’s tools and features bring value to these users.

User Profile 1: The New User

As the first in our series, we will examine the profile of the ‘New User’. New users in this context can be defined as those who have never traded cryptocurrency and have limited knowledge of the space. For this group of traders, the learning curve is steep. Not only are they faced with what could be seen as an unsurmountable amount of new information, they are also faced with a number of challenges with the trading platforms themselves. In some cases, it is a great feat to even create an account on an exchange, much less buy or sell cryptocurrency.

24/7 Customer Support

At EZ Exchange, the emphasis has been on creating best user experience in the industry. We put our users first and connect with them in a number of different ways. Users will have access to step-by-step tutorials that will walk them through the entire trading process. If users need further support, they can access support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online and over the phone. Our customer service teams are trained to deliver personalized support to help solve our users’ issues quickly and efficiently in a way that is not existent in today’s cryptocurrency market.

EZ Academy

We believe that education is a critical factor in the mass adoption of cryptocurrency — especially for new users. To this end, we are developing EZ Academy, a complete institution of higher cryptocurrency learning. For new users, there will be two streams of relevant resources available. The first addresses general blockchain and cryptocurrency information that will provide a baseline education in these topics to new users. This education includes all of the fundamentals, definitions and links to further reading all in one place. The second stream are resources to guide new users through the EZ Exchange platform. This will include instructions on a wide range of topics including but not limited to creating a new account, setting up a wallet, the trading process, and moving cryptocurrency to fiat.

User-friendly Platform Design

The user experience is a key area of focus for EZ Exchange. The platform was designed by user experience experts to make it easy for all traders — even those with no trading experience. EZ Exchange’s intuitive design guides users through the trading process so that they are not left to navigate their own way through complicated trading interfaces. These methods mimic those seen in common consumer applications, and the quick tutorials on how to execute any component of the exchange will make it easy for new users. The platform’s design also attempts to use common language, so that users don’t feel overwhelmed with unfamiliar language and terminology.

Putting It All Together

What this means, is that beginning cryptocurrency users now will have access to a level of services that will help guide them in a way that is currently lacking in the marketplace today. No longer will beginning users be left trying to figure out the vast world of cryptocurrencies on their own. With EZ Exchange, new traders will be well on their way trading cryptocurrencies.

Rick Tapia is a Project Team Mentor on EZ Exchange’s Advisory Team.

