IELTS Speaking Cue Card Topics Tips

Zachary Cane
Published in
5 min readJan 24, 2022

Taking the IELTS speaking exam is a daunting task. It’s a test that requires you to use your speaking skills to communicate clearly and effectively. To help you prepare, you need to answer the IELTS speaking cue cards. There are many strategies for doing this, and this article will explain the best ones. Hopefully, it will help you prepare better and score higher on the test!

What is a cue card?

The IELTS speaking test has three sections: a short introduction, a long answer from a cue card, and a discussion with an IELTS examiner.

Preparing for the IELTS speaking test is not difficult. You can study and practice IELTS cue card topics with this PDF guide. These cue card topics are an excellent guide for you. You will need to learn the IELTS language and the various aspects of the exam. Having a solid vocabulary is essential for communicating fluently with confidence. You should be aware of all the different areas of the test and the IELTS testing process.

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary

The first thing to know about the IELTS speaking exam is that vocabulary is crucial. While you are answering, make sure you use appropriate words and intonation. Proper grammar is also essential in the IELTS. You can practice both with this page. And once you master the vocabulary, you can practice an IELTS Speaking test.

There are several benefits to using the IELTS speaking Cue Cards. Firstly, learning how to answer IELTS cue card topics will prepare you for everyday life. We have provided a list of common topics to make it easier to prepare. We advise you to print these off. You can download our Free eBook by signing up here or using the button at the bottom of this page.

The IELTS speaking cue card topics will give you an idea of what will come up in the exam. These topics are the most popular ones in the IELTS Speaking Part 2. You can study them in advance to prepare for your IELTS test. These topics are relevant to the IELTS test, but they can help you practice more to score higher in all areas of the test and everyday life.

In the exam, you will be provided with a Cue Card and a few points of what to include. You have to speak for up to 2 minutes, but they give you 1 minute to prepare your answer. This minute is a great time to write notes and develop a plan based on what they have asked you to include.

I have included a couple of examples below;

It may seem a little scary at first to answer these cue cards, but that’s why you are preparing. Use a dictionary and thesaurus to expand your vocabulary and find fun new words. At first, use our cue cards to form one or two simple sentences for each topic to see what you already know and which subjects you struggle with by following our fun IELTS eBook Guide.

You can then research each topic and specify your interests so that it’s fun to learn about them.

By preparing a few sentences on common topics, it can help you boost your skills and confidence by giving you an idea of what to say. The IELTS speaking cue cards will make it easier for you to answer the questions, so you’ll be more confident on the test. This way, you’ll be more prepared and more relaxed.

The IELTS speaking exam is a challenging test that measures your communication skills. As you can see, there are a variety of topics in the test, but these are the most popular ones. In addition, learning how to write notes or what to include will be beneficial when using your 1 minute or preparation time in the exam.

Tips for IELTS Speaking

When preparing for the IELTS exam, use the cue cards to research synonyms with your dictionary, phone or thesaurus surrounding your interests within the topic. This research will help you talk naturally about personal experiences but still answer questions. In the preparation, give yourself lots of time until you are confident enough to answer questions about them.

Remember that most of the questions in the English language are formed by the five ‘W’ words;

  • who
  • what
  • when
  • where
  • why

So when you are researching each topic, ask yourself those questions, which should form a rough plan for your answer. Write down keywords, collocations and structures surrounding the topic and your interests AND MAKE NOTES!!

Notice both examples; although asking you about different topics, use this format. You can’t go wrong!

Another handy tip is to describe your senses. What did you see, smell, taste, touch or hear? These personal details can create imagery, a powerful language tool to demonstrate in the exam. What about your opinion? Again, the IELTS exam is not a general knowledge test; it is an English test. Demonstrating you know how to communicate and respond to the question shows real understanding and command of the language, even if you don’t know the answer. Be natural and confident… Show off what you know!

The IELTS Speaking cue card topics will vary from test to test. For example, you might talk about your favourite animal, your dream job, about a foreign country, learning a new language, or learning a new skill. You get the point! To provide a good answer in the IELTS Speaking Exam, you need to be as interesting as possible. It’s all about you and demonstrating your ability to show who you are in English.

Once you are confident you have a few sentences for each topic, see if you can time yourself and speak for up to 2 minutes using your notes as a guide. Practice makes perfect! When you get confident telling your stories, they will become more natural.

If you would like further help, feel free to reach to us at, where you can sign up for our Free Courses or guarantee results with our Intensive Group Coaching.

Good luck, and keep up to date on our socials for new hints, tips and techniques.

