Adam Posner — The Loyalty Specialist

EZToken Rewards
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2018

Adam Posner has been a data-driven marketer for 24 years. He started his loyalty life in the mid ’90’s with a shopping center loyalty program initiative called “Scratch & Save”.

Since then he has been involved in a wide range of loyalty and retention programs for retailers in home furnishings, ladies fashion, pharmacy, entertainment, gaming, membership and hotel accommodation.

He is obsessed about helping clients design, develop and deploy valuable loyalty programs that are profitable to the business and meaningful to the member.

He has developed the best-in-class frameworks for building NEW programs and reviewing and revamping EXISTING programs.

He has commissioned, co-authored and authored six of Australia’s most in-depth research studies on customer loyalty and consumers’ relationships with loyalty programs — For Love or Money — 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013 and Share the Love — 2014. In 2017 he also commissioned and authored the study ‘For Love or Money 2017’: customer loyalty — the marketers’ point of view.

The 2013/14 studies were placed 4th in the Top 10 most viewed marketing topics of 2014 by Marketing Magazine.

Adam is also the author the practical book on loyalty programs — ‘Give-back to Get-back — 9 steps to a profitable loyalty program’.

Adam has been widely interviewed on loyalty on national news programs, national radio and published in newspapers and magazines.

He has presented on customer loyalty and loyalty programs at Loyalty World (2013), The Customer Show (2014) and ADMA Forum (2012 and 2013), ADMA Retention Marketing (2014/2015), Customer TECHX Show (May 2015), Clarinden Global Faculty Director for July 2015 ‘Designing High Impact Customer Loyalty and Retention Programs’ as well as tailored loyalty keynotes for clients including RSL Vic, TAB, Choice Hotel Group, Accor Pacific, Horseland and Pharmore.

Adam is also the CEO and founder of 2 companies: Directivity and The Point of Loyalty.

Established in 2007, Directivity has been providing marketing strategy, customer loyalty and acquisition strategies and campaign implementation. In 2017 he launched The Point of Loyalty as a strategic loyalty consultancy dedicated to helping business retain their best customers and grow the rest.

Joining EZToken team as a loyalty strategic advisor, Adam Posner will dedicate his invaluable experience and his wise wisdom to the implementation and globalization of EZToken. Welcome on board, Adam!

Source: Travel Trends

