Queensland Welcomes EZToken

EZToken Rewards
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2018

Queensland is the second-largest and third-most-populous state in the Commonwealth of Australia whose capital is Brisbane — the most rapidly developing and forward-thinking city of all regions. That’s the reason why EZToken chose Brisbane to settle our headquarters in Australia, hoping that this city will soon become “The Crypto Valley of Zug” in the near future.

Last week, EZT team was fortunate enough to welcome Mr. Lou Boyle, Innovation executive at Local Government Association of Queensland, visited us at our office at Fishburners, Brisbane.

The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) is the peak body for local government in Queensland. They have been advising, supporting and representing local councils since 1896, aiding them to improve their operations and strengthen relationships with their communities.

EZT team and Mr.Lou Boyle had a long and interesting conversation. He was really impressed by the ideation, execution and the bright prospect of EZToken in retail and service industry. He had a strong belief in EZToken’s success in the coming days for its utility and real value in daily life.

Mr.Lou Boyle expressed his wish to formally introduce EZToken to all councils in Queensland whilst boosting EZTrade Holdings Pty Ltd relationships with these regions. The representative from LQAQ also promised to spend his best efforts in supporting EZT’s implementation in real life for the first time in Brisbane.

Regarding to the fact that Australian government considers digital currency as a big opportunity rather than a threat, Mr.Lou Boyle is going to plan a meeting between EZT team and the state council for the purpose of building a Loyalty system, which will be put into practice in other cities of the region.

The active approach and positive response from Austrade and LQAQ officials has reinforced our confidence in EZToken’s bright future in Au stralia and worldwide. Our development team is working hard to launch the additional applications as soon as completing the features of Loyalty Platform indicated in our product roadmap.

Please stay informed to our latest news.

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