9 Tips to Keeping Customers Happy

Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2015

As a business owner you must’ve realized there was a demand for the service you provide, hence why you started your business in the first place. You started off with a friend buying from you, then with a friend of a friend, then with an entire group of friends, and before you knew it, your business was having enough success to be worth turned into your main source of income.

Through trial and error you’ve assessed what your audience wanted and liked, but also what they disliked as well, and most importantly, you learned one of the biggest lessons in business — keeping your customers happy not only means that they will come back to you time and time again, but they will also recommend you to their friends and family too. So in actual fact, finding people who are interested in your business isn’t the hardest part, but you will find that keeping them happy is the most challenging bit.

In this week’s tool article we have covered the importance of using Facebook groups as part of your marketing strategy (see here) in an attempt to understand the principle of community and reward in business that eventually leads to having a successful business that everybody loves.

So our question to you in this week’s blog post is how do you keep your customers happy? There are a few tips that we have found to work beautifully with our clients, but as you know, each business is different and needs its own personal touch to every marketing material it sends to its customers.

However, we encourage you to take note of the below and let us know how you get on. We would love to hear your feedback on how your customers respond to these approaches:

  1. Share your values — Shout them out loud. Let them speak higher than words. Express who you are and what your company stands for in every thing you do. In every product, every email, every conversation.
  2. Provide excellent customer service — make sure your customers understand who your business is and how it can help them make their lives better. Answer any questions your customers might have, patiently, with a big sense of enthusiasm and passion for what you do. If you are not excited about what you do, nobody will ever be.
  3. Create a sense of community — make your customers feel as I they’re part of a family. Keep them up to date with all the events, anniversaries, offers and newsflash, bring people together, and introduce them to one another. People love to network and meet new people all the time, and if your business facilitates that, they will not let go of you.
  4. Get their email addresses — and stay in constant contact with them. Update your database with your latest news, offers and findings. Provide them with useful, insightful and relevant content.
  5. Exceed expectations — always and forever. If your customers ask for something, and they are vital to your business, make sure to go that extra mile and give them what they need. Never compromise on good customer service. You can never be nice enough.
  6. Don’t neglect existing customers — Please don’t! They’re the core of your business. Make sure they are always provided with information and they are always rewarded for being part of your community.
  7. Admit when you make a mistake and always say the right words — no defending yourself, no fighting back. Accept, apologize and find solutions.
  8. Ask for their feedback — make sure your customers have had a pleasant experience and they reviewed your service and product. Make sure they are incentivized to come back for more and see the value they’re getting in buying from you.
  9. Offer a loyalty program — to keep your customers coming back for more. Packages do wonders. Percentages off also work brilliantly well. The happier the customer, the better your business will do.

Originally published at Ezy VA Blog — 9 Tips to Keeping Customers Happy.



Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog

Marketing Magician and the Head of Marketing for Ezy VA and also the Marketing Strategist for the “Done For Your” Marketing clients. — http://www.ezyva.com/