Ad-Roll for Your Online Advertising

Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2016

The world of web is so vast and overwhelming that it’s almost mundane not to take part of it and benefit from all its offerings. Social media, video, dating, services, everything is online. It’s an alternate dimension that we spend more and more of our time on, in traffic, meetings, it’s turned out to be the first thing we do when we wake up in the morning, or before we go to bed at night. And it’s great to have everything you need at your fingertips, all on one device, the source of all information — one search button away.

But what we need to learn to do with all this vast amount of information is select what works better for us, what content suits our circumstances. Which is what all the filters, cookies and settings do for our preferences and privacy online. Websites we visit, things we look for online, all that information lives online behind code that all the major players have access to. Not to scare you now, it’s all good news as long as we all have access to this information and use it for the greater good. Or for the greater good of business! Which is ultimately what online advertising is — a use of your personal information, a somewhat shaping of your preferences in order to drag your attention towards things you were potentially looking for, but didn’t know where to find them. It’s accessible, flexible and targeted, it’s the most pristine generation of yellow pages, with the added benefit of you having access to what you want, before you even knew you needed it.

Why do you want to do online advertising exactly? To let people know you exist, to play your competitor’s game, to promote your product or service in its uniqueness, because everybody else seems to be doing it, and ultimately to run a profitable business.

But why should you stay away from online advertising? Well, for starters, if you don’t have a clue what it is, it can get quite difficult, it requires money to invest in, it requires commitment and strategy, needs to be run by someone who understand the principles (that is if you don’t want to get ripped off) and it pays off in time.

Ultimately, in order to run a successful online advertising campaign you need to invest information, time and money. All for obvious reasons, but with the right mix of content, budget and strategy, you should be able to target your potential customers through all the popular platforms be it social media, search engines or websites they surf.

One of our favorite tools to use for online advertising is AdRoll — a smart little tool that helps us create online banners both for retargeting and social media advertising, all under one dashboard. Super easy in setup, you only need to put your creative hat on to come up with the right tagline and CTA, think of how much you want to invest in your campaign, launch and track. Keep an eye on the numbers and optimize accordingly and voila — your online advertising campaign is done!

If you’re still not convinced of how big online advertising is, or how long you’ve been served an ad without even being aware of it, AdRoll’s report here will blow your mind, when you’re going to see how big retargeting is getting on Facebook and how businesses are thriving as a result.

Originally published at Ezy VA Blog — Ad-Roll for Your Online Advertising.



Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog

Marketing Magician and the Head of Marketing for Ezy VA and also the Marketing Strategist for the “Done For Your” Marketing clients. —