Don’t Be so Hard on Yourself!

Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2015

Having a business is like having a baby. The mere pressure of having to get it right ALL the time, without having the option of failing can not only be frustrating, but pretty damaging as well. So many of the entrepreneurs we have met are so pressurised with meeting their deadlines and improving their services that it’s actually pretty rare to ever meet someone who is genuinely pleased with their business and performance.

We’re not saying that striving to be better and better is a bad thing, but done at a level that knocks down your self-esteem will just bring you to believing you are never good enough. And all the hard work you have put into growing your business will just take all the glory away and make you feel unfulfilled.

So in order to have a healthy view of your business, and ultimately of your life, we advise you do a ritual of the below to keep your energy levels up. It’s a well known fact that happy people perform better and have a more optimistic approach, which then leads to sunnier perspectives, so make sure you do one or two of the below religiously:

1. Take 5 minutes a day to be grateful for your achievements. Or maybe 5 minutes a week. But whatever you do, make sure to write down all the good things that have come your way, and how they helped you get from A to B. You will soon realize there have been a couple of good things coming your way after all…

2. Reward yourself for your achievements, regardless of how much more you have to get done in the future. You have come a long way and there have been many pitfalls overcome, so make sure to stop for a second and congratulate yourself for getting it done.

3. Take each day as it comes and focus on the schedule for that day, rather than worrying for what will happen next day, Obviously plan ahead so you don’t get taken by surprise, but try to make the most out of each day, rather than lingering from one day until the next.

4. Don’t be so hard on yourself! Even if you happen to make mistakes, or things don’t work out as planned, there’s always a second chance or a way to turn things around. Things are never as bad as they seem and there will always be a way out. Stop blaming yourself and believing you’re not good enough. We all learn from mistakes and next time you will know better.

5. Appreciate people around you! Be it your employees, partners, or investors. Take a moment to express how much you appreciate having them in your life, and nurture your relationships with them as you wouldn’t be where you are now without the people you have met along your journey.

6.Breath! Just be! As silly and simple as it might sound, don’t forget there will never be a more important moment in your life than the moment you are living right here, right now. Regardless of your means of reminding yourself that, just remember, your moment is now.

Originally published at Ezy VA Blog — Don’t Be so Hard on Yourself!.



Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog

Marketing Magician and the Head of Marketing for Ezy VA and also the Marketing Strategist for the “Done For Your” Marketing clients. —