Essential Tools to Help Boost Your Project Management Strategy

Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2015

Ask any successful entrepreneur about managing multiple projects and they are sure to tell you the same thing — it gets complicated. Managing one project can already be a handful and could definitely keep you busy for days. Keeping your tasks updated, delegating to your staff, and making sure that your targets are within reach at all times is no small feat and will definitely become more tricky as time goes by and as the projects grow bigger.

Now, more than ever, businesses have the need for project management software that can help them keep their activities under control and ensure that all their immediate goals are being met. In this week’s article, we would like to shine the spotlight on three major players in the Project Management software niche and go into more detail about how they can help you help your business get organised. Ladies and gentlemen, may we introduce you to Basecamp, Trello, and Evernote. We have put these three forerunners to the test and we are highlighting the best they have to offer.

Basecamp is a platform that claims to help you “get projects done on time and on point” with its multi-project feature that allows different users to collaborate on the same projects at the same time. Users can go on a free trial period and then sign up for a fee in order to avail of all of its project management features–including project assignment, calendar, personal progress, and file sharing tabs.

Got articles that need to be delegated? Then we think Evernote is a great way to go. Its user-friendly interface provides a streamlined and organised way for you to assign projects, collaborate with your writers and even share your latest updates to anyone who you’d like to loop in. It also has an added feature for research and photo collection that would make any writer’s life easier.

Trello is a great project management software to use for those who work well with categories and want to see their work laid out in sections. Their clever “card” interface makes it easy for you and your team to keep up with active, pending, and completed projects. This software is also able to keep the workflow going by allowing users to provide real time updates on the progress of each of the collaborators.

Through practical application–that mostly involved trial and error–we have shortlisted these 3 apps as some of the most efficient game changers of productivity. And because these tools top our list of the most useful project management programs in the market today, we give them two thumbs up for performance and recommend them for use with any project that you currently have. We are positive that you would experience firsthand how these programs can help revolutionise the way you handle projects moving forward and we cannot wait to hear from you about how great they work for you, too.

Want more awesome tips to make you more productive? Read more on our Virtual Elite Business site.



Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog

Marketing Magician and the Head of Marketing for Ezy VA and also the Marketing Strategist for the “Done For Your” Marketing clients. —