Facebook Lookalike Audiences

Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2016

Social media advertising is not a new thing anymore. Everybody does it and if they don’t, everybody should. It’s an easy way of grabbing people’s attention, either by liking your page, directing them to your website or a sales funnel. Whatever the objective, if done correctly, social media advertising, Facebook predominantly, can really work some conversion magic on your business.

There are multiple things you have to bear in mind about correctly using the advertising tools, but today we’re going to cover Lookalike Audiences. It’s a known fact that you can tailor your audiences according to locations, age groups and various interests, but what is even cooler is that Facebook allows you to reach new people that are likely to be interested in your business based on the people who have already made contact with you already or expressed some kind of interest, such as visiting your page or website.

How you can do that is super easy as well, from you Ads Manager you can select which type of audience you want to replicate and then ‘multiply’ it either by similarity patterns or greater reach. The catch is that you need to have a minimum of 100 unique conversions in order to replicate those.

We would encourage you to split test your ads to see what works best, as otherwise you might find yourself in a guessing game that will only cost you time and money. But we’re keen to know how you get on with it, or whether you need any assistance in creating your ads.

Until then, keep up the good work!

Originally published at Ezy VA Blog — Facebook Lookalike Audiences.



Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog

Marketing Magician and the Head of Marketing for Ezy VA and also the Marketing Strategist for the “Done For Your” Marketing clients. — http://www.ezyva.com/