How to sell expensive products

Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2016

If you are in the business of selling an expensive product or service, then you understand the difficulties of having to justify your pricing in comparison to other products that might do the same thing, but at a much lower rate. So how do you approach the subject? How do you make people understand that your product speaks quality over quantity?

Firstly, you explain where the difference lies and why yours is better. Comparisons with different competitors work best here. Some people might offer this and that, but you approach things differently and while the process is slightly similar, the outcome is way different and more efficient.

Secondly, you need to overcome objections. Confront them and explain them one by one. Is it that they can get the same service elsewhere? Explain why that service is far more inferior. Is it because efficiency? Show case studies. Is it because guarantees? Offer an incentive.

Next you need to remember that people shop around, so they might take a while to purchase. Which is why you have to be consistent in your approach and not give up on your sale until you have an either yes or no answer. Approach things from all angles. Try to surprise your potential buyer in all his environments. Remind people your service is there, and they need it.

Finally, breaking your services down into affordable rates, can actually work in your favour. Turn your best seller into the mid-range product or service and showcase how this has done wonders for most of your customers. Explain people can opt in to either decrease or increase their purchase, but the better, wiser decision will still be your focus product.

Always aim to find a solution for your customers. Make them happy, listen to them, show you understand their problems. Create a connection between you and your prospects, and show that after all there’s a human connection between you two. Appeal to their emotions. Think of their purchase as if it was you at the other end. What would you have liked to gain, and how much would you have paid for it?

Originally published at Ezy VA Blog — How to Sell Expensive Products.



Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog

Marketing Magician and the Head of Marketing for Ezy VA and also the Marketing Strategist for the “Done For Your” Marketing clients. —