Infographics — The Power of Visual Marketing

Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2016

We all know an image speaks a thousands words, right? People know that learning through imagery is the most effective strategy to remember information and make the necessary connections to use that information to your benefit.

Research has shown that words linked with relevant imagery have an even bigger impact on the reader, because he understands the information better. It’s easier on the eye, it takes less time to decipher the information, and evokes more emotion depending on the colours used. More so in the marketing world, imagery has become a vital part of any strategy, as people are looking for smart ways to make their content more appealing and eye-grabbing to the reader.

Which is why infographics were born. Used to represent information through charts or diagrams, infographics have revolutionised the marketing world, boosting conversion rates by more than 15%, than normal content. They say we only remember 20% of what we read, but apparently infographics engage even more with our brains than normal imagery or content does.

So why do you need to start using infographics?

Infographics are a great tool to increase brand awareness. Rather than telling people who you are, infographics show that straight away. Of course, you still use your logo, and contact details, but rather than explaining to someone what you do and how you can help them, infographics pile that information in easy to digest charts.

Infographics have a tendency to go viral. If done correctly, and if the information is valuable, people tend to use it far more than sharing a piece of blog. Infographics are almost inspirational, people print them off, stick them on their walls, save them as background etc.

Infographics increase your number of subscribers and followers. Once your visitors see that your information is valuable, and you showcase it through infographics, then they will want to have access to your information regularly. Obviously that means that you need to entertain them with the same style, and provide high level information at all times, so make sure that once you go down that path, you stick to the same level of professionalism.

Infographics go beyond digital marketing. Because of their versatility, they can easily be included in your brochures, and other offline materials. They can position you as an expert in your field, because it shows you have gone and did your research, analysed your information and put it in a format so that everybody can make sense out of it.

So don’t miss out on it! Look for topics within your industry that people are researching, compile the information into an infographic and start sharing it. We assure you it’s a well-worth effort.

Keep up the good work!

Originally published at Ezy VA Blog — Infographics — The Power of Visual Marketing.



Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog

Marketing Magician and the Head of Marketing for Ezy VA and also the Marketing Strategist for the “Done For Your” Marketing clients. —