The Importance of Creating Significant Website Content

Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2015

The Internet has become the go-to source for absolutely everything that we need these days. From a chocolate cake recipe to how to train your dog, relationship advice to celebrity gossip, the world wide web has categorically taken over how we search for and process information. But have you ever stopped to think about how we have access to all this data and how websites grow their content in a way that addresses public demand? Enter, content creation.

In this article we aim to give you more insight about the importance of content, what it takes to write great articles, and how it greatly influences your online strategy. Well- researched and well-written content has been proven time and time again to have an overwhelming impact on online businesses as it has the potential to increase website traffic, engage search engines, and provide helpful information to the readers. Sure, content creation can be a daunting and boring task for the content writer, but at the end of the daycontent is king. Aside from driving traffic to your site or being informative, great content can do so much more for your business, like

  • pushing you up on search rankings so that more people find you when they conduct an online search,
  • adding value to your site by giving existing and potential customers relevant information about your products and services,
  • engaging people appropriately so that they go from potential to actual customers,
  • improving your chances of getting that ROI ahead of schedule,
  • giving your brand a distinct identity so that is stands out from the rest of the competition, or
  • keeping people coming back to the site because they find your content useful, and informative, and just plain awesome.

You must also keep in mind, however, that not just any kind of article will attract potential customers to your website. You cannot rely simply on the amount of articles you put out each day in the hopes that someone, somewhere might accidentally see them. The quality of what you put out there is key, and your best tool to getting the best content is research. Never settle for random thoughts on a page or arbitrary subjects on things that are completely unassociated to your business. Take the time to plan each article based on a streamlined schedule and following an organised train of thought. You must also consider the following things when trying to come up with great content:

  • Only write about things that are relevant to you and your customers. We’re pretty sure that no one wants to read about the biodiversity in rainforests when they’re looking for information on your technology website.
  • Keep your titles strong and your content concise and to the point. Strong, aggressive titles grab your customers’ attention and concise content gives them what they need without the mind games.
  • Two words: Spell. Check.
  • Use images to bring your content to life. Some people actually prefer seeing pictures that help them relate to the content. You can’t possibly expect them to believe that you have a red couch in your store by simply putting the phrases “red couch” and “in the store” together, do you?
  • Most of all, write in such a way that you connect to your readers. We’re just folks who want information. We don’t want to read about (or understand) algorithms or codes or hyperbolic ideas — so keep it simple.

Creating good content for your website is a daunting task but we are hoping that these tips can get you over that writer’s block and well on your way to writing some great articles. However, if you still rank content creation up there with root canals and amputations, then it’s time to avail of content writing services from our Ezy VA website by outsourcing this task to one of our Super Staff members. Want to know more? Visits our sites now!

Originally published at Ezy VA Blog — The Importance of Creating Significant Website Content.



Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog

Marketing Magician and the Head of Marketing for Ezy VA and also the Marketing Strategist for the “Done For Your” Marketing clients. —