The Pressure of Always Knowing Everything

Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2016

As entrepreneurs, not only we are considered to be talented and knowledgeable about the industry we choose to do business in, but we are also considered to be insane for choosing to take a leap of faith for simply believing in our own powers.

Sure, we are pursuing our dreams of creating something, leaving the results up to the level of commitment that we’re showing, but it all comes at a cost. It’s never enough to just know how to do your job, and do it well. Once you’ve decided to become an entrepreneur you need to know everything. Especially if you’re going to hire people.

Entrepreneurs need to know how to scale their business. They need to know how much they’re spending, and how much they’re getting in return. They need to know what works and what doesn’t. Sales, Marketing, Testing, Complaints and the list is never ending. It might just be easier to go get a job and expect the paycheck to come at the end of the month. Actually, that option is definitely easier, but there are people out there who would just feel stuck and limited if they would work for someone else.

But especially at the beginning of this road, first couple of years seem to be a long period of trial and error, where you test things you hear about in a webinar, or a book, hire people based on their sales pitch only to find yourself wasting money, time and energy in a project that was initially started with enthusiasm and optimism. There are a couple of things to overcome these obstacles, and to keep your positive levels up, but whatever you do remember that your business is more important to you than to anyone else.

  1. Always stay informed about trends and best practices on all levels of your business. Regardless of you being the one handling your marketing or financing, make sure you’re always updated with systems, how they work roughly, and whether your staff are bearing those in mind. The people who work for you will understand that you keep your eyes open to what they are doing and will feel their work is important to you.
  2. Have regular catch-ups with your staff. Ask for updates, reports, outlines, even if you don’t understand most of the things they are doing, it’s important for them to feel they have a system they work in.
  3. For your sake and everyone else’s, have a PA or VA. Your time needs to be managed. Between meetings, projects and to-do’s it’s almost impossible to have a grasp on everything without forgetting about something in the meantime. Having a PA actually motivates you to be more organized, and do more important things, as he/she will filter activities that you shouldn’t be wasting your time on.
  4. Project targets. Where do you want to be in 6 months? How much money you need to spend in order to achieve that? Who would help you? What are your milestones?
  5. Never give up. Even if you reach a point when you’re exhausted. Even if it seems like it could never get any worse than this, trust us, it can… Just remember all the hard you’ve put in to make this happen, how many sleepless nights, and years working for someone else. Find your strength, even if it’s buried deep down, don’t let it go. It’s all you’re going to survive on.

Originally published at Ezy VA Blog — The Pressure of Always Knowing Everything.



Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog

Marketing Magician and the Head of Marketing for Ezy VA and also the Marketing Strategist for the “Done For Your” Marketing clients. —