The Why to Outsourcing

Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2016

We’ve talked a lot about how outsourcing can help you reduce costs and improve productivity. After all we are the leading company in The Philippines within the BPO industry. But that’s not the point. Knowing outsourcing is good for your business is not enough. You first need to understand why outsourcing is vital for any growing businesses across the globe. So we have listed a handful of reasons below. Check them out and let us know your thoughts.

Outsourcing is not just about cost saving anymore, it has become a strategic tool that powers this century’s global economy.

1. Outsourcing increases productivity and competitiveness. Why? Because by outsourcing, you save more money, which allows your local team to grow. Your employees are suddenly more interested in strategizing, in impressing the management, wanting to make job transitions, and grow within the company.

2. Thinking you don’t need outsourcing will ultimately do you more harm than good. It’s not just a business tactic anymore, it’s an essential tool in order to remain competitive in the world of business. Why? Well, because outsourcing companies are no longer limited at helping your operations run smoother, they are extremely capable in helping you improve response times, and develop new products and services faster than ever. Outsourcing can quite literally help companies do things they weren’t capable of doing before by themselves.

3. By outsourcing you tap into global talent. Why? Because virtual assistants are extremely skilled, talented and qualified. They pride with working in the BPO sector and are committed to making a change in your company, firstly because that is a reflexion of their capabilities, and secondly to prove you that they are just as important as your local team.

4. The BPO industry allows you seize new market opportunities and boost innovation. Why? Because plugging in an offshore team allows you to track more what your competitors are doing. Do more research, assess trends and bring new products out. Bringing new products out is critical in the faced-paced world of business today, and by outsourcing you have the chance to catch up faster. In today’s uncertain business climate, adopting a strategic view of capability sourcing isn’t an option. It’s imperative if your company has any hope of staying ahead of the competition.

5. By outsourcing you cut down on costs. Why? Because it allows the business to get the work done at a fraction of the price. Firstly because the work itself is cheaper, but secondly because you skip costs such as health insurance, vacation pay and overhead costs. You basically receive the same quality at a much lower price. It’s been proven that a company saves about 60% in operational costs by outsourcing.

6. When you outsource you can focus more on the things that need to get done. Why? Because even if you just start a business, or you’re on a growth wave, you will always struggle with the need of getting more and more things done. Outsourcing to someone and allowing them to handle your back-office operations and administrative work prevents you from investing time and energy that you might need to invest in more important functions.

7. Ultimately, outsourcing frees up time for everything. Why? Because by letting other people handle the time consuming stuff, yourself and other local team members can manage your customers and their needs better. It allows your company to give your customers the attention they deserve.

Originally published at Ezy VA Blog — The Why to Outsourcing.



Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog

Marketing Magician and the Head of Marketing for Ezy VA and also the Marketing Strategist for the “Done For Your” Marketing clients. —