When Should You Stop Growing?

Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2016

I’m sure that many of you, as business owners, have seen your business, at least in your imagination, growing so much that money would quite literally be no object. You could buy anything, go on any vacation you wish and have countless employees that would do all the hard work. Sure, it’s not impossible, we’ve all seen it work for some people, but question is, can you handle it if it were to happen to you?

Running a business is not an easy thing to do, especially if you don’t have the stomach for it. The stress, the responsibility, the mere pressure of not letting your clients down, of always delivering the best services, in a timely manner, but also to such an extent that your clients refer you to their friends and family, it’s all a road that once you start walking on, you either take on whatever it has to throw at you, or you just stop walking altogether.

Most business owners live under the impression that they need a lot of customers to achieve that dream I was telling you about earlier. But reality is, if the structure is not there, if your business is not designed to handle all your accounts, it will all end up biting you in the neck. If you don’t have a tested process that automates your activities, that touches base at each point for your client, if you just base your success on how many clients you sign up, rather than on how many clients you actually serve successfully, then you’re most likely going to fail.

Don’t just base your success on how many people are interested in what is it you’re offering, but on how many people you can actually help, by providing 100% of your expertize and enthusiasm. Business should be seen as an energetic flow; you give what you receive and so forth. Once your service is flawless that’s when you start teaching other people what you do, and start creating a system that allows you to sign up more customers that are able to benefit from your expertize through other resources. It’s all a process that unfortunately knows no shortcuts.

So short answer is, you should never stop growing, but you should do it steadily, one step at a time, and make sure that with each step you understand the responsibilities you have, the repercussions, benefits, but also the importance of your journey to success.

Originally published at Ezy VA Blog — When should you stop growing?.



Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog

Marketing Magician and the Head of Marketing for Ezy VA and also the Marketing Strategist for the “Done For Your” Marketing clients. — http://www.ezyva.com/